
Halloween 2008

In the four Halloweens that Bart and I have been together, this is the first one we’ve dressed up for. And, you know what? I think we’re going to from now on . . . it was pretty fun.

Do you know who we are?

Here’s a hint: “They say that the best weapon is the one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That’s how Dad did it, that’s how America does it… and it’s worked out pretty well so far.”

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  1. Oooh.. Tony Stark and Pepper Potts! We just rented this movie! NICE! Isn’t fun to dress up and match with someone else too?

  2. I knew this one too. I am a movie nerd and almost always remember lines! TRY ME! (and if you really do try my, make sure it is not some weirdo movie that noone has watched.)

  3. Lordy, I am SO relieved that I am not the only one with a giant, puffy question mark over my head. In other news, I am so glad that you and Bart are dressing up from now on. My husband is adamantly anti-costume and it makes me sad every year. 🙁

  4. LOVE IT! Great movie, although I know absolutely nothing about the comic book characters beyond the movie. I saw it in the theater and then I bought it on DVD the day it came out and watched it that night.

  5. Okay, I admit, I had no idea until I read it in the comments but now I totally see it! We just watched that movie 2 weeks ago and loved it!

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