Ella Enjoyed: 5 Good books For 7th Graders
It’s been too long since an Ella Enjoyed post!
Hilariously, all five of the books she picked this time were ones I read aloud to the girls, so I must be picking some good ones for our (most) nightly reading!
Ella Enjoyed: good books for 7th graders
What Ella has to say: I haven’t read a ton of time travel novels, but this definitely made me want to read more. It’s really engaging, plus I learned a bunch of history facts! This was probably one of my top-three books that my mom has read aloud to us this year (at least so far!).
What Ella has to say: As you already know if you read any of the other Ella Enjoyed posts, I always say I don’t love non-fiction. But the more I read, the more I warm to it. This was one of the most interesting books I’ve ever read and it was, in fact, non-fiction! There are lots of pictures, tons of cool facts, and just an unbelievable story. I definitely want to watch the documentary about Shackleton ship, which was just found, and I bet it will be even more exciting now that I know the story of the Endurance.
The Extremely Inconvenient Adventures of Bronte Mettlestone by Jaclyn Moriarty
I read this book to my girls a few months ago. It was kind of a slow start for me and I’ll admit that journey books aren’t really my favorite, but at the halfway mark, I definitely got more into this story about a young girl who is orphaned when her parents are killed by pirates and their will insists that she must go visit and deliver gifts to her father’s 10 sisters. (Jaclyn Moriarty is sister to Liane Moriarty who has written a ton of popular books including What Alice Forgot, which is one of my very favorite books).
Sir Charlie: Chaplin, the Funniest Man in the World by
I didn’t know much about Charlie Chaplin but this had been sitting on my shelf for years after I read and loved Sid Fleischman’s Houdini biography. This was a little dense for the two little girls but the big girls and I really loved it.
What Ella has to say: This is another example of a really interesting non-fiction novel that I really enjoyed. I have always loved biographies and have read a good portion of the “Who Was?” books, but this was an especially interesting one. I didn’t know that much about Charlie Chaplin before we read this book, but now I know all sorts of interesting things that happened in his life!