Goals for the 2024-2025 School Year
This school year is a big change for our family since we’ll be homeschooling.
Last year, 3 of my 4 girls were in full-time public school (Ella has done hybrid homeschool for middle school, so she was home part of the day but very self-sufficient for her homeschool subjects), so I had HOURS every day at home to work.
Now Ella will continue doing a hybrid of public and homeschool through high school and the other 3 girls will be home all day, so things will definitely be different! (I wrote a whole post about why we’re making this change and what we expect from this year!).
I’m not new to homeschool – I was homeschooled K-8 and then did a mix of public and homeschool through high school (I actually don’t have a high school diploma, but I went to college and have both a college and masters degree).
And we also did hybrid homeschooling for Ella in kindergarten and then full-time homeschool when she was in 1st grade.
Anyway, all of that is to say, this school year will be a change from last year, especially as I work to juggle both my job and homeschool.
Here are some of my goals for the 2024-2025 school year:
My goals for school year 2024-2025
- No phone before school starts. I wrote about this last year after I did it all summer long and it was the biggest game changer for me (I still hate how much of a difference it makes and it’s a struggle for me every single day). I was terrible about it during the summer, so I’m excited to get back to it.
- Family lunch. One of my favorite parts of summer is all eating lunch together outside on the deck and I’m delighted that homeschool will mean we can continue this until the weather gets too cold (and then we can just move inside).
- 30 minutes of daily reading. This was actually one of my goals LAST school year and I did this . . .exactly zero times. But with homeschool, I’m planning to have it as part of our school schedule and I can join in on a daily basis while my girls do their daily reading. I’m so hopeful that I’ll actually be able to have this dedicated reading time on a daily basis – the irony of a book blog/social media account getting bigger is that I’ve had steadily less time to read over the years!
- Run 5 miles. This was one of my 2024 goals and after a summer of running 3 miles several times a week and then cross-training for a big hike with friends, this fall is the time to check this one off my list!
- Better delegation and team management. My Everyday Reading team is growing and the truth is that team management is NOT one of my natural skills. I’m working really hard this year to get better at managing my very excellent team and delegating more things to them – I’m lucky to have the BEST team who are super capable and super easy to work with. Having less time to work this year will definitely act as a forcing function for better delegation!
- Family research for upcoming trips. We have some big international trips coming up this school year and one of the things I’m excited about with homeschool is more time and bandwidth to learn and study about those destinations before we go!
- Play Pickleball 2x a Week. I’ve been playing pickleball quite a bit this summer – we finally got a good group going and it’s been so fun to get to know some of these ladies better and while I’ve always liked pickleball, I suddenly feel like I LOVE pickleball and feel like I’m LOOKING for times to play instead of just being willing to play. I’m definitely hoping to play at least 2x a week all year long (including joining the indoor club when cold weather rolls around).
What is the school year going to look like for you? What are some of the things you’re focusing on this coming year? I’d love to hear!
These goals sound amazing! I would love to know what your homeschool schedule looks like. I’m not sure if you have already posted it though…
I would also love to see your homeschool schedule/rhythm. I’m curious at what point you no longer do individual reading with your kids (where they read to you and you help with words as needed)?
It’s different for every child! My oldest was totally fluent by 4.5 while other of my kids didn’t hit that point until after 7.