Girl Talk: Episode 8

Star screams in the car for about five minutes on the way home from gymnastics, then settles down
Ani: Well, she calmed right down!
Star: But I still not HAPPY!

Ani takes a bottle of milk to preschool with her and then leaves it in her backpack for two days. Star finds it and takes a big drink, then comes into our room with a very sour expression on her face.
Star: That milk is TOOOOO milky.

At dinner
Ella: I don’t want to eat the rest of my dinner, but I know I’ll probably be hungry in bed tonight if I don’t finish it.
Janssen: Well, it’s your choice.
Ella: I know. I’m just trying to decide if I want to suffer now or suffer later.

Ani is waving a postcard in Ella’s face, which is making Ella super annoyed
Janssen: Ani, if you don’t stop waving that postcard at Ella, I’m going to throw it in the trash.
Ten seconds later, Star lays on the couch and starts pushing her feet hard against my back
Janssen: Star, please stop pushing me.
Star: Or you’ll throw me in the trash?

Star is weeping uncontrollably and goes over to the freezer and opens it up
Star: I want a poooooopsicle.
Janssen: We’re not having popsicles right now.
Star: [abruptly stops sobbing] But I crying!

Janssen: Okay, Google, play Train.
Star: Okay, Google, DON’T play Train.

Ella comes up to me with a very glum look on her face
Janssen: Are you having a hard day?
Ella: I think I need a banana.
Janssen: What? Why?
Ella: Because on Fruit Ninja, it told me that bananas help with depression.

Star: Can I sit on your lap while you eat breakfast?
Janssen: Sure, do you want a bite of my eggs?
Star: [looks at my eggs with roasted vegetables and sriracha sauce] No, I don’t want any of your dirty eggs.

Watching a mother duck and a whole flock of little ducklings walk across the sidewalk at Knotts Berry Farm
Ella: Can I pet one of them?
Bart: No, some ducks and birds don’t like to have their babies touched and if a human touches them, they abandon their babies.
Ella: If that duck touches me, will you and Mom abandon me?

While Ella was at Grancie Camp, I asked Ani to unload the dishwasher before breakfast
Ani: It’s kind of nice having Ella gone and kind of bad.
Janssen: Why’s that?
Ani: It’s bad because I have to unload the dishwasher by myself, but good because she is kind of . . . commanding.

Star spends the whole day following me around, asking to be held, and crying if I put her down. At dinner, she begs to sit on my lap to eat her food.
Janssen: Well, okay. You won’t love me this much forever.
Star: [matter of factly] No, I won’t.

While I’m making dinner, Tally starts fussing in the bouncer.
Janssen: What’s wrong, little girl?
Ani: She’s probably just hangry.


P.S. Previous hilarity from these munchkins here

Photos by Christie Knight

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  1. These are my favorite posts you ever do. I always get so excited when you have a new one up! It’s so fun to see once each girl starts joining in too, Star is a hoot!

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