Day in the Life: Summer 2023 Edition
It’s been a bit since I did a Day in the Life post and summer, when life is both more and less busy (how is that possible!?), felt like a good time to do another one.
This is from a few weeks ago on a weekday.
5:40 a.m. My alarm goes off and I quietly get up, get dressed in my workout clothes (which I’d set out the night before), brush my teeth and hair, and head to the gym. I listen to a scripture study podcast on my way there.
7:05 a.m. Gym class is over and I head home. As I pull into the driveway, I see my in-laws passing on their morning walk and wave hello to them, then go inside and make my bed. Bart comes out of the bathroom and we chat for a quick second and then he heads to our home gym to work out until it’s time to take Ani to swim team. I shower and get fully dressed, makeup on and hair done.
7:45 a.m. Everyone is still sleeping, so I head into my office and respond to Instagram messages, film a reel, post it, go through my email inbox and then start working on this post. While I’m working, Ani comes in for a hug before she and Bart head out.
8:45 a.m. I wrap up my work for now, and then spend a few minutes cleaning up my office and breaking down some boxes. I turn on the two laptops for Savvy and set up Tally (Savvy Reading) and Star (Savvy Math), then get my shoes on, toss the recycling, and head out to my laser hair removal appointment. Traffic is light and I make good time (I’m listening to the second Keeper of the Lost Cities book). I’m in and out in about 10 minutes and then drive home.
9:55 a.m. I grab Tally and run her over to piano lessons and then start my breakfast in the kitchen while Bart makes a protein shake. Ani tells me about her swim meet and then I duck into my office to update this post before I go pick up Tally from piano and drop off Star.
10:30 a.m. I take Star to piano and bring Tally home, then finish up my breakfast and eat at my desk while I work on this week’s book deals post and then schedule a meeting, put a birthday party invite on my calendar and then suddenly realize I’m late to pick up Star. I dash out the door (fortunately her lessons always run long, so she only waited a minute or two).
11:15 a.m. Back at my desk and finally uninterrupted time to work until lunch.
12:10 p.m. Bart and the kids are all in the kitchen and I wrap up some IG stories and then head in with them. I make my own lunch (english muffins, apples and peanut butter and string cheese) and help the girls get theirs together and then we all head out to the back patio to eat outside. It’s a gorgeous sunny afternoon (but not too hot) and we linger out there laughing and chatting.
1:00 p.m. We come in and Bart does the dishes while I deal with some things that have been sitting in the living room for too many days. Once it’s put away, Bart and I drive his truck over to the auto shop to get the brakes replaced. I wait in my car while he takes it in and then he pops into the grocery store to pick up some milk and then we drive home together, looking at Ani’s swim meet results on the way back.
1:35 p.m. We’re going to the water park later this afternoon, so I shut myself back in my office to get a bit more work done before we head out, including updating this post.
2:55 p.m. I change into my swimsuit, gather up towels and sunscreen and a few snacks and we head to the water park, arriving within seconds of my sister. We find a place to park and then watch the kids splash in the play pool, circle the lazy river a dozen times and sit by the wave pool. After about two hours, everyone is ready to go and we pack up.
5:10 p.m. We get home and everyone changes into pajamas and I check IG and respond to some messages, then go into the kitchen to get dinner going (easy pasta dinner from Home Chef is making my life easy tonight). Ella clears off the table and I set it while the pasta boils and then Bart comes in while I’m cooking and we chat as I get things ready to go. I post some sponsored stories that are due to go live and then we all sit down for dinner.
6:45 p.m. Dinner is over and Bart does the dishes while I finish up some work. We talk briefly about going to a movie, but Mission Impossible 3 is way too long for a week night so instead we tell the kids they can play and we head out on a little walk around the neighborhood together.
8:15 p.m. We get home, have the girls clean up a bit, have family scripture reading and prayer, I wash my face and brush my teeth, and then it is time to read aloud. We need a new book since we just finished our last one, so I bring out five options and they all vote – we land on The Greatest Kid in the World. I read two chapters, then tuck everyone in except Ella who heads with Bart and me into our room to watch an episode of White Collar.
9:15 p.m. While Bart gets ready for bed, I update this post.
9:25 p.m. We pile into bed and watch one episode of White Collar, then send Ella to her room, turn off our lights and go to bed right on time at 10:30!
if you liked this post about a day in the life, you might like these other posts:
- My Current Morning Routine
- Six Summer Routines that are Keeping Me Sane
- My 9 Best Tips for Making Family Dinner Happen
What scripture study podcast do you listen to?
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