5 Books I’m Currently Reading (+ My Team’s Picks!)
November is likely the most busy time of year for me – it’s truly non-stop from the moment I wake up on November 1st.
It’s become more and more popular to put up Christmas decor as soon as Halloween is over, but I personally can’t handle it – because I’m so busy, I love the peace and calm of not having all the Christmas decorations up for a few more weeks.
It feels like a little oasis before the personal busyness of December kicks in.
I’m also trying to carve out time to read during this busy season – here are some of the books I’m enjoying right now!
5 Books I’m Currently Reading (+ My Team’s Picks!)
The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer
I’ve been hearing all the raves about this book since the summer and I finally picked it up and am listening to it on audio right now. I’ve just barely started out so I’m not far enough in to say much about it, but I’m very into it so far!
Nothing Else But Miracles by Kate Albus
One of my favorite books last year was A Place to Hang the Moon, so the moment her new book was available, I snagged it to read aloud to my girls! It’s another WWII historical fiction novel and I’m so happy to be back in the hands of this talented writer.
Holiday Romance by Catherine Walsh
Shayla from Hark the Snark recommended this book and I snagged it right away on my Kindle (it’s $3.99!) – I’m all in on holiday books right now and this one sucked me in from the first page!
Gut Reaction by Kirby Larson and Quinn Wyatt
I LOVE Kirby Larson (her book Hattie Big Sky is a total fave) and when I got an advance copy of this book she wrote with her daughter (who is an adult now), I jumped right in and I’m loving it. It’s based on her daughter’s experiences with chronic illness as a tween and it’s both so heartbreaking and hopeful.
Garlic And Sapphires by Ruth Reichl
If I had to pick a single favorite food book, it would probably be this one. I’m re-reading it this month for Everyday Reading Book Club and it’s such a delight to revisit this story about all the personas that Ruth Reichl uses to eat incognito as the New York Times restaurant critic.
Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jessie Q. Sutanto
This book was an unexpected, delightful surprise! Vera Wong owns a little tea shop in Chinatown and now that her husband has passed away and her son is grown, the tea shop is what keeps her going every day despite its lack of customers. Things change drastically one morning for Vera, when she finds a dead man lying on the floor of her shop. Now all sorts of people show up at her tea shop and Vera has to use all of her investigative skills she has learned from the crime dramas she watches to figure out which suspect killed the man. It’s funny, lighthearted and reminds me a bit of Finlay Donovan is Killing It.
The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter
I started reading this book after we had dinner with some friends and one of them couldn’t stop talking about this book. It was a complete coincidence that the next day Janssen mentioned on instagram stories that she had started reading it as well! Journalist, Michael Easter explores the premise that our under challenged lives may leave us too comfortable and contribute to physical and mental health issues. Throughout the book he journals his experience and conversations with various experts in their fields from top exercise scientists to naturalists and rugged outdoorsmen. This book drew similar conclusions to The Coddling of the American Mind and The Power of Fun, although they all reached them from different avenues!
The Seven Day Switch by Kelly Harms
This fun read was a lot like Freaky Friday, but with two very different suburban moms. Celeste is a stay-at-home mom who keeps a pristine house and makes Pinterest-worthy school lunches. Wendy, on the other hand, is a highly successful productivity coach and makes the working mom life look so easy. One fateful night, after drinking a little too much sangria at a potluck, they wake up in each others bodies! They are going to find out what it is really like to live each other’s lives, and that they might not be so different after all. I highly recommend listening to this one – it’s told by two different narrators and I loved listening to the banter between the two moms.
if you liked this post about what my team and I are reading right now, you might also like these other posts:
- A Christmas Coloring Page Calendar
- 5 Things I’m Doing in November to Prep for the Holidays
- The Cinnamon Bear: A Favorite Family Christmas Tradition
Felt exactly the same as you picking up Nothing Else But Miracles! Love Kate Albus! We need more books from her!!