Ani Approved: 5 Excellent 6th Grade Books
Ani just finished fifth grade and is getting ready for 6th grade this fall.
She’s been reading up a storm and especially loves audiobooks (I stocked up BIG TIME during the Audible sale last week – I think I bought nearly 40 titles, most of them ones that Ani suggested we add to our collection).
Here are a few books she’s loved lately:
Ani Approved: 5 Excellent 6th Grade Books
Jack and Jill by Louisa May Alcott
352 pages
I have a beautiful vintage set of Louisa May Alcott’s books from my childhood and a few weeks ago Ani picked this one off the shelf (which took me a little by surprise!). Over the next several weeks she told me about the story as it unfolded and it was so fun to see her enjoy one of my favorite childhood authors!
What Ani has to say: Jack and Jill is a very fun book – it has a lot of humor and it’s also fun because it’s old fashioned. Louisa May Alcott has a very unique way of writing it where she acts as an all-seeing narrator. It’s very heart-warming and it has a lot of themes of friendship and helping others.
If you’d like a printable copy of this list of 6th grade books so you can take to your library or screenshot on your phone for easy access, just pop in your email address below and it’ll come right to your inbox!
one thing that I recommend is adding wings of fire. I love that series