$50 Gift Card Giveaway

[This contest is closed; congrats to Andrea!]

You know what I hardly ever do on my blog? (Write a sentence without a dash, semicolon, ellipses or all three. . . (I also do not under-use parentheses)). Do giveaways.

Obviously, that lead-in lets you know that THIS will be giveaway post (the title might have been a bit of a hint too, I’m guessing).

Along with an enormous box of flatbreads (which are pretty much my new favorite thing as I’ve given up cooking dinner for Lent because of our new baby, preferring to spend all my cooking energy making as many cookies, scones, and other carbs as I possibly can), Flatout gave me a $50 gift card to Walmart to giveaway. 

I dislike hoops for giveaways and I REALLY dislike when giveaways force you to be a follower on Twitter/Pinterest/Google Friend Connect/Facebook/Name Your Social Media Tool of Choice, so just leave a comment about any old thing you want (if you need an idea, why don’t you tell me what recipes for carby-carby goodness you recommend), and a winner will be selected at random.

Also, if you happen to actually be making dinner instead of cookies, here are some pizza recipes I’d highly recommend:

Giveaway Rules: Must be 18 years of age and live in the U.S. Ends 12/31/2012 at midnight CST.

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  1. Awesome! I hope you guys have a good, warm Christmas there. We drove through -2 degrees yesterday. And now as a true Texan, I was literally in shock.

  2. oooh. carbs. i love carbs. i'm emailing you the world's best breadstick recipe. and yes, you can make it 100% whole wheat. YES.

  3. I always like chocolate chip cookies – never fail. Also, can we talk about Ani's cheeks? Awesome! I really love kissing on chubby baby cheeks!

  4. winter calls for carb-load meals… I like anything that involves a lot of it, like mashed potato (sweet potato), squash puree, kabocha (my favorite), pasta, rice. 🙂

  5. Love giveaways, but one that force me to follow certain things, half of the time I don't enter because it's quite annoying.

    As for pizza recipes, goat cheese is my absolute favorite thing, so I will definitely be trying the Goat Cheese and Pesto one! Thanks for the recipes!

  6. So glad you are enjoying that sweet baby and your holiday season. 🙂 I made a recipe for cinnamon rolls my sister gave me last week that I'm still drooling about. I may have to buy more bread flour just so I can make seven more batches (to, uh, give to neighbors).

  7. Congrats on the new babe – when I was in the early post partum period, all I wanted was the easiest pasta dish I could make 🙂 laziness combined with nursing agony I guess

  8. My new favorite thing is to load my carbs with whipped flavored butters. Cinnamon honey butter and strawberry butter (mixed with seedless strawberry preserves) are my latest faves. Have a wonderful holiday season with your new bundle of joy!!

  9. I'm so excited for our new tradition – cinnamon-sugar pull-apart bread for Christmas brunch (Joy the Baker's recipe)! I highly, highly recommend it!

  10. Old Skool give away- simple comment RULZ!!
    I hope you and fam have a wonderful Christmas!! You are such a gem a real person who brings pure joy and light in the world!! Wish I personally knew you, I might explode if I did.
    Merry Christmas!!!

  11. I made pretzel rolls on Sunday. And then I made them again on Wednesday. I would make them again, but the element in my oven burnt out last night. I'm supposedly cooking a turkey on Monday, we'll see what happens…
    By the way-I don't believe I've ever commented before, but I love your blog. I really appreciate all the book recommendations–and I appreciate our library's digital downloading of audiobooks.

  12. I made 2 kinds of fudge, carmelized sesame chickpeas and gingery cheesecake pops to take to my kids school. Today I am making more of the same for family, along with french style apple butter. Food gifts rule!

  13. I had creme brûlée French toast for the first time on Monday and seriously considered making that every day for the rest of my life. Then I got real and understood that if I could barely finish one slice of it, it wasn't meant to be eaten all the time. I am planning on making it for Christmas, though. It is an overnighter/sleeps in the fridge recipe that has a million versions via google.
    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  14. I had a green chile mac and cheese when I was in New Mexico over Christmas and it changed my life. Merry Christmas to you guys!

  15. I am currently craving baked potatoes with all sorts of different toppings, yum! Thanks for the giveaway :). I hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  16. I've been craving some homemade mac and cheese, and mashed potatoes, and veggie pot pie! In addition to a ridiculous amounts of cookies 🙂 Have a Merry Christmas!

  17. I also get irritated when blogs make you jump through a bunch of hoops just to enter the giveaways! This is why your blog is so much better. 😉 Merry Christmas!

  18. I make candy, of course. Peanut brittle is my absolute favorite, though homemade caramel is divine. So much butter and sugar it nearly kills me. 🙂

  19. Congrats on the new addition, Janssen. Hope your Christmas is one of peace and recovery. 🙂

    I made your jam-filled muffins yesterday morning and they were a resounding hit with the entire family. Thanks for that!

  20. I won't shame myself by saying how much poppyseed bread I've eaten in the past two weeks. 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. We mad some roasted veggie enchiladas with a creamy green chile sauce last week that were to die for. We had somehow run out of cheese (how does that even happen???) and so I made them without and they were STILL amazing.

  22. Wow! Thanks for doing the giveaway! I'm a fan of the sugar cookies from the recipe on Our Best Bites: http://www.ourbestbites.com/2008/12/sugar-cookies/
    I think everyone has different preferences on how they like their sugar cookies… but I follow their recipe and make my own buttercream frosting with almond extract. They taste good and keep their shape without being crispy. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  23. I bet I could have worn those boots yesterday if my legs were not so swolen.
    Flatbreads sound good.
    🙂 happy random comment.

  24. I, too, am a super big fan of scones. Nobody else in my house shares the love as much as I do, so unfortunately (or not) I get most of them to myself. Which is why I can't make them as often as I'd like. I finally made a recipe that I've been hoarding for a while. I ripped it off a package of Tillamook butter years ago. Cherry Almond Scones. Delish.

  25. I love scones! Another recipe I want to try is making homemade cinnamon rolls.. But I am too tired to try most days! 🙂

  26. I have been eating more than my fair share of macaroni lately. I usually just shred up some cheese, mix it with milk and a bit of cream cheese if I have it. Pasta goes in and I'm done! Merry Christmas!

  27. I feel very strongly that the holidays are all about Butter and Sugar. (And family, too, obvs.) I love me some pizza with cookies for dessert!

  28. So many comments about mac & cheese…I may need to make myself some for dinner! Our favorite Christmas treats have got to be homemade toffee. I could eat the entire batch!

  29. I just won the dessert contest at my husband's holiday party with oreo truffles. Three ingredients: oreo crushed and mixed with cream cheese and covered in melted chocolate chips. Yum!

  30. I really need to get some of those because it's been raining for days and some delicious cheese pizza is sounding pretty amazing right now.

  31. I just made our family's traditional bread wreath-yummy! We took them to our neighbors yesterday along with a little Christmas caroling.

  32. Thank you for not making me like flatout on facebook. That always drives me mad when I have to do three things to enter a giveaway that I logically know that I will not win. But, maybe someday I will be lucky and actually win a giveaway that I enter. *crosses fingers*

  33. Fun! And such a relief to have an easy givaway with no hoops 🙂 Our local Walmart is ginormous and I can think of at least 10 things I want/need there. On the food front – I have been wanting to try the jam-filled muffins you posted about last week (or the week before?) I went out and got all of the ingredients but have been so busy baking other things…I am forcing myself to eat them this weekend! (ps I am telling myself they will be an excellent snack for my toddler, but most days I end up eating a snack with him…so…I really just want them)

  34. I don't think I can give you any carb recommendations since I currently have 3 dinner rolls recipes from YOU that I've been meaning to try 😉

  35. Ha, obviously everyone else hates the mandatory likes and follows for an entry. Glad we're not alone in that.

    Also, I could really go for some good pizza right now. Or anything carby for that matter. Are those flat breads really better homemade pizza crust? Or equally as good and just much easier?

  36. I am quite surprised by what I am about to write, but the impression is strong so here goes: If I win, pick again because I don't need to win a prize.

    I just want to tell you that I am so glad I found your blog because I love to read and have recently moved and don't have a book club right now and I feel that I can trust your recommendations to be books of worth rather than books of smut.

    Your daughters are BEAUTIFUL! (that is my favorite word to write in cursive)

    Have a Merry Christmas

  37. My current favorite carby recipe is for lasagna soup. I think my sister sent it to me on Pinterest and it is TO DIE FOR.

  38. I join in the hoop-jumping dislike. Carb recommendations, have you tried super yummy garlic chicken pasta from our food blog? Yummy. The bacon makes the boys happy too.

  39. yay!! I love giveaways! and I love your blog! I don't have any recipes…but I just want some tortilla chips with an amazingly gooey, delicious, dip. mmmmmmmm.

  40. I've been sitting at home all day waiting for Fedex deliver a package. I keep thinking they will show up and I can finally leave the house, so I haven't done anything for dinner yet, but now all I can think about is delicious cheesy scalloped potatoes 🙂

  41. I will happily comment to be entered into a giveaway. There, I commented. 🙂

    Those flatbreads sound awesome, and we could all use a little easy.

  42. Awesome. This is exactly the kind of giveaway I like, and if I ever do one on my blog, I will follow your good example.

  43. My carb of choice lately has been biscuits (they go so well with winter soups)but since I got the recipe from your blog, I'm guessing I don't need to leave you the link. 🙂

  44. My mom used to make caramel dumplings from scratch on the stove — and while I don't know the recipe (and I don't even think she does, since she makes them without thinking), it's what I thought of when you said "carby goodness." 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

  45. Carbs are my speciality and my weakness.

    We have a family favorite dubbed "Yummy Rolls" that my mom came up with when she was feeding breakfast to eight kids – four of them bottomless teenage boys. Roll out a rectangle of your favorite biscuit dough, spread on a little softened butter, sprinkle on brown sugar and cinnamon and roll it up and slice it like you would cinnamon rolls. Bake according to biscuit time and temp. They're best eaten warm and dunked in cold milk or hot chocolate. My mom's biscuit dough was made with half all-purpose and half soft white wheat flour so it filled us up well. I make these for my little family often and for my childhood best friend every time we get together. Tastes like home for us both.

    Congratulation on beautiful Ani!

  46. MMyy ccoommppuutteerr iiss ttyyppiinngg ddoouubbllee lleetttteerrss aanndd II ddoonn''tt kknnooww wwhhyy aanndd II ccaann''tt sseeeemm ttoo ffiixx iitt.. SSoo rraatthheerr tthhaann bbee eemmbbaarrrraasssseedd II aamm uussiinngg tthhiiss aass mmyy ccoommmmeett ::)) AAllssoo,, yyoouurr CChhrriissttmmaass ccaarrdd wwaass ssuuppeerr ccuuttee!!

  47. Haha, my kind of giveaway! I always get sucked into following all kinds of crazy stuff for entries. Happy Holidays to you and yours! (mer.marty@yahoo.com)

  48. I think you should win something just for making this an easy giveaway! That's why we love you 🙂 Anyway, I've really never tried my hand at homemade pizza because I'm sooo lazy but now I'm tempted to try!

  49. Thanks for an easy-to-enter giveaway! I've been reading your blog for most of the year, but this may be my first time to comment…I'm kind of a lurker. I hope you have a merry Christmas!

  50. Brilliant giveaway! As for carbs, if there are potatoes or pasta involved, we're happy. But when it comes to the gift card, I would be either spending it on my friend who is currently home with an almost 4 year old and a new baby, or giving it to her outright. Fingers crossed.

  51. Awesome giveaway! I saw Merrick at story time at the Provo library before she moved. I told her to tell you hi for me, so hopefully she did! Congrats again on your new baby! My favorite carb lately is pizza so I'm going to look into the links you posted.

  52. I actually have a book recommendation for you: When It Happens To You by Molly Ringwald. It's gotten a little buzz, but it's a seriously good book. I picked it up because I like her, but she's a legitimately good writer. Now, maybe she has a ghostwriter, but her personality (at least what we see in movies and TV) shows through.

  53. yay for no lame hoops to jump through. Sadly, we have wheat allergies in our house, so not very many yummy carbs around here (oh how I miss pizza!). We do love your green enchiladas and Mel's Kitchen Cafe red enchiladas though. We'll be having both within the next week because apparently enchiladas scream Christmas spirit to me.

    Merry Christmas!

  54. Chocolate Chip cookies sound amazing right now! I might have to go whip up a batch to satisfy that craving. If anyone asks, the baby wants them ;o)

  55. Enjoy reading your blog. My granddaughter is about the same age as Ella, so I like the recommendations on books you post, and have ordered a few. Your new baby is beautiful. Enjoy these moments with her. They grow up so quickly. 🙂

  56. just recently found your blog and am enjoying it. love the pirate preschool ideas you just posted. i'm a preschool teacher and always have my eyes open for new ideas! thanks for the chance to win….have a merry christmas!

  57. Love your blog. I'm pregnant and get great fashion ideas from you 🙂 I also love the children's book recommendations. Thank you!

  58. I think I'm having the same problem with giving up dinner in favor of treats and I don't even have a new baby as an excuse!!!

  59. Feeling blessed today. 🙂 A day of rest was good. I have no recipes because I can't cook my way out of a bucket, but I am enjoying some divinity that a friend made for me. It is quite tasty.

  60. Feeling blessed today. 🙂 A day of rest was good. I have no recipes because I can't cook my way out of a bucket, but I am enjoying some divinity that a friend made for me. It is quite tasty.

  61. Snacky treat?! I love some Nutella Puppy Chow – or maybe this little recipe I found that consists of crescent rolls, cream cheese and cinnamon/sugar- delightful. Thank you Pinterest for sharing these delicacies with the world.

  62. Yet another reason to love your blog no ridiculous sell your cyber soul tactics for give always. I love nachos and straight up bread as my carbs of choice

  63. Yay – a contest where all I do is post a comment! Thanks, I love it. Thanks for your blog, I came across it by accident but I love it and have read a lot of great books from your recommendations.

  64. Yay – a contest where all I do is post a comment! Thanks, I love it. Thanks for your blog, I came across it by accident but I love it and have read a lot of great books from your recommendations.

  65. Miss you guys and wish we could meet that new baby girl of yours. Hope that one day we can get our little families together again.

  66. Carby goodness, huh? Well, this time of the year I adore sugar cookies made with almond extract that just have sugary sprinkles on them, no frosting. I also love pretzels dipped in almond bark with sprinkles.

  67. Mmm… carbs and free money. Merry Christmas indeed.

    (And just realized the two times I tried to comment from my phone didn't work.)

  68. Have you ever tried buttermilk syrup? It is heavenly on all those carby things. Yum! (sarahrebeccachapman at gmail dot com)

  69. Janssen! I don't know if you'll remember me, but I thought I would say hello. I was roommates with Kristy Robinson and a peer mentor with all the other FRAC folks, and now Katie and Jensen Warnock are my neighbors! Katie and I just did some post-Christmas deal shopping together tonight, in fact. Anyway, you and your blog are lovely. 🙂

  70. I would like to comment on how stinkin' cute your Christmas card is! I loved getting that in the mail! I manged to get mine printed well before Christmas… but have not sent them yet. I guess you can not win them all.


  71. Thanks for the simple easy giveaway. I'd love to check out the crispy bacon tomato recipe but it linked me to walmart's ad instead. Oh well, the rest look awesome!!

    fencingromein at hotmail dot com

  72. Your blog is so cute. Love your book ideas.
    PS Of course we don't know each other, but we have a mutual friend, "C." from SmallDog.

  73. Ah! Thank you for the pizza recipes! Tyler and I both agreed that homemade pizza is on the menu for this week, and it's always fun to try something new!

  74. I love your blog! I found it through my brother, Ben Crowder, and now I always read it. I could always use a GC to Walmart! 🙂

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