
The 2025 Everyday Reading Book Club List

It’s here!

The 2025 Everyday Reading Book Club list!

2025 is the EIGHTH year of Everyday Reading Book Club (although it wasn’t really until 2020 that I found my rhythm for book club and was actually consistent)  and I love seeing new people join each year!

Nothing delights me more than messages from people saying they never would have picked up a specific book or tried an unfamiliar author or genre without Everyday Reading Book Club.

The Everyday Reading Book Club list is ALSO the single most stressful project of the year for me (indeed, up until yesterday, I was sweating over the last slots trying to decide which of the MANY books on my short-list of options would take those last slots).

When it comes to the Summer Reading Guide (one of my other biggest projects of the year), it is a list of books I liked that you can pick and choose from.

But for Book Club, this is a list of books that I’m committing to reading and discussing for a full year, week after week. AND I’m asking you to read them along with me.

Not only do I want YOU to feel excited (or at least interested) by the majority of the books on the list, I also want a good variety of genres and formats, a mix of old and new titles, fiction and non-fiction.

And I’m looking for books that are reasonably readily available at your library or included on Audible or Hoopla or can be bought for a decent price.

Plus, to keep it fun for me, I like a mix of books I’ve already read and loved, plus books that I’ve been anxious to read and have had on my own TBR list for a while.

Most of all, I need books that have enough substance to talk about them for weeks in a row. There are lots of books that are very fun but that I’d struggle to have anything very meaningful to say about them.

All of which is to say that I take the weight of picking these twelve books each year VERY SERIOUSLY.

Each week on Wednesdays, we’ll be talking about that month’s book on Instagram Stories (if you’re new to Everyday Reading Book Club, I have a whole post here about how it works!).

And if you’d like monthly updates about the upcoming books, the reading schedule and where to find copies on the cheap, plus occasional fun extras related to these books, just pop your email address in below and you won’t miss a thing!

And now, without further ado, here’s the 2025 Everyday Reading Book Club list

The 2025 Everyday Reading Book Club List


the unmaking of june farrow

The Unmaking of June Farrow by Adrienne Young
This book has been EVERYWHERE in 2024 and despite literally having a copy of it on my desk, I haven’t even opened it! When so many people suggested it as a book club book AND it was listed as one of the best books of the year on Goodreads, it snagged a spot. I can’t wait to dive into this mystery about a mysterious family curse and a romance. I’m pretty sure we’ve NEVER done a fiction title in January in Everyday Reading Book Club, so I’m excited to change it up this year!


Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and the Murder of a President by Candice Millard
This book has been on my TBR all year long since my nieces recommended it to me and then I looked it up and saw the sky high reviews! I know virtually nothing about Garfield and I’m excited to dive into this non-fiction account of his rise from poverty to the White House and then his assassination.


dial a for aunties book

Dial A for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto
I loved her book Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers (it made the Summer Reading Guide in 2023) and I’m excited to go back and read her earlier book about Meddelin Chan who ends up accidentally killing her blind date. And then, of course, her meddlesome mother plus a bunch of aunties get involved in helping dispose of the body. I love a fun book during spring break season and this feels like just the right pick!


Tress of the Emerald Sea by Brandon Sanderson
The RAVES about this book have been through the roof and when it says it is for fans of The Princess Bride? Well, sign me right up! This one is going to be a fun adventure read about pirates, a sorceress and plenty of magic.


Wait till next year

Wait Till Next Year by Doris Kearns Goodwin
I first read this nearly 20 years ago for a sports history class I took in college and it was PHENOMENAL. I actually ended up picking it for my in-person book club in 2011 or so and I can’t wait to revisit it again. I promise, you do not have to care or know a thing about baseball to enjoy this book!

everyday reading book club list 2025


Okay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt
I cannot BELIEVE we’ve never done a Gary Schmidt book for Everyday Reading Book Club before and this year is the year to change that. I waffled between this one and The Labors of Hercules Beal but finally landed on Okay for Now which is one of my all-time favorite books. It is a companion book to The Wednesday Wars but stands solidly alone. This is middle grade at its finest – I cried reading it on an airplane the first time.



Ghost by Jason Reynolds
I read the first book in this series years ago and have meant to go back for ages and read all four books in the series about four kids chosen for an elite middle school track team. This is a team that could qualify them for the Junior Olympics but only if they can get their acts together. Super readable and wonderful. We’ll only discuss the first one in book club but I’m planning to read all four!


Every Falling Star: The True Story of How I Survived and Escaped North Korea by Sungju Lee
I’m always on the lookout for excellent middle grade non-fiction books (like All Thirteen or Bomb) and this one popped up on my radar earlier this year. The title tells you everything you need to know about this book written by a boy who grew up in North Korea and managed to escape. I cannot wait.


four thousand weeks

Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman
I’ve read plenty of time management books but never one quite like this which is NOT all about tips and tricks for squishing more things into your day and instead steps back and acknowledges that we all have finite amount of time and no productivity hacks will ever give us more of it. Instead, what we have to do is make choices about how we’re going to spend that time and prioritize the things that really matter to us. I’m pretty sure I highlighted 80% of this book – I can’t wait to read it together this fall!


mother daughter murder night

Mother-Daughter Murder Night by Nina Simon
I love a fun mystery for October and this is one I’ve wanted to read since it came out (when it is described as “Gilmore Girls but with a murder”? I’m absolutely in!). This one features three generations – a daughter, mother, and grandmother – who find themselves looking to solve a murder mystery.


Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley
This book picked up so many awards when it was published in 2021 but I somehow missed reading it back then. Daunis Fontaine has never fit in anywhere, including on the Ojibwe reservation and hopes for a fresh start in college. But then tragedy means putting her dreams on hold. And things REALLY take a turn when she finds herself a murder witness and part of an FBI investigation.


Christmas with the Queen by Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb
I loved their book Last Christmas in Paris (in fact, we did it for Everyday Reading Book Club back in 2019) and I’m so thrilled they have a new Christmas historical fiction title out. I’ll be waiting all year for this story set in 1952 where young Queen Elizabeth II finds herself as the new monarch and is preparing for her radio broadcast on Christmas Day as postwar Britain changes around her.

It is going to be a great year of reading!

And if you’d like a printable copy of the 2025 Everyday Reading Book Club list that you can take to your library or screenshot on your phone for easy access, just pop in your email address below and it’ll come right to your inbox!

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  1. I always wait for your book club list to come out in December! I’m so excited about so many titles this year! I’m excited to start the year with a fiction read. I have seven kids, the youngest is 9 months, so starting or joining an in person book club doesn’t really work at the moment. I started following along your book club during the pandemic and it’s been such a gift during this busy season of life. A couple of the books are always my favourite of the year! Thanks so much for all the careful thought and work you put into it.

  2. This might be the first time I’ve already read several books on this list! But of course, that makes me even more excited to get to those months to hear your discussion of them. Getting my library holds in gear and ready to go for the rest!

  3. Thank you for including some older books that are easy to get at the library. So many book lists focus on new books that have long hold lines. Excited to follow along !

  4. I am so excited for these books! I fell behind on the 2024 list so I am excited to dive back in and follow along in 2025! These books sound amazing!

  5. I am listening to Destiny of the Republic right now and it is SO good…gripping, interesting, honestly timely, too. You will love it!

  6. In my opinion, skip The Firekeeper’s Daughter. It’s very much a young adult fiction and while it has fantastic cultural details, the story falls flat and sounds like it’s authored by a teen or young adult.

  7. Firekeepers Daughter is a must on audio! I struggled to get into it while reading on my Kindle, so I decided to switch to audio and then I couldn’t put it down. The narrator is fantastic, and hearing proper pronunciation of words made me feel more connected to the story and the people in it. It’s a completely different reading experience! I still think about the book years later!

  8. What a great list! Dial A for Aunties was one of my favorites the year it came out – so so funny!! And I listened to Tress of the Emerald Sea this year and absolutely adored it. Such a good book!!

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