
The Summer Camp Reading Chart

summer reading log Looking for a copy of the Summer Camp Reading Chart for kids?  Pop in your email below and it’ll come right to your inbox!

It’s the fourth year of the Summer Reading Chart and I could not be more thrilled to share it with!

This year’s was designed by Hayley of Camp Castle Play Mats, who you may remember did the Christmas Reading Calendar back in 2020.

free summer reading log

I wanted a real showstopper this year and Hayley came through BIG time – I was giddy with excitement when she sent it over!

The theme for this year’s is Summer Camp and I LOVE how it all came together.

printable summer reading logThis year’s reading challenges (20 in all) are on the camp sign posts on the left (or should I say “west”?) side and across the river on the east is a forest of trees so you can track every day that you read over the summer.

You can decide how you want to track it – you can color in every day that you read at all, every day that you read for a certain amount of time or write in the titles of the books you’re reading. It’s up to you what works best for your family and schedule!

free summer reading log

I haven’t even talked about all the cute details to color in, from the charming forest animals to the camp cabin to the tents and butterflies.

I love hearing from teachers who print out a copy for all their students to take home as an end-of-year gift or families that pass them out to neighbors to kick off summer or pop them in their local Little Free Library. There are so many ways to use it!

And, as always, the summer reading log is always free! Just pop in your email address below and it’ll come right to your inbox, ready to print off.

summer reading log

You can print it at home, but I always think the most fun is doing an engineer print – it’s only a few dollars and having a big version is so fun. I have a whole rundown of how to order an engineer print here. Once you do it, you’ll never go back!

And if you use it this summer and share it on Instagram, please tag me (@everydayreading) and Hayley (@campcastleplaymats) so we can see them in action!

summer reading chart

P.S. The three previous Summer Reading Charts are all still available for free here, if you’d like those ones instead!

if you liked this summer reading log for kids post, you might like these other posts:

summer reading log

Photos by Heather Mildenstein

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  1. Love this new summer reading log! Our family’s favorite past one is the traveling one because the kiddos love a good world map with animals! Thanks for always providing these great reading logs!

  2. How do I print it to just a regular size piece of paper??? Wanting to print for my students, but it only pulls up as printing huge on multiple pages when I go to print.

  3. So….. is there a way to print it at home larger? I’ve been able to do that in the past but can’t seem to this year. I can print it all on one page (but its hard to read) or I can get one corner to print but nothing else – what am I doing wrong? Thanks!

  4. I’m having trouble receiving the summer camp Reading challenge printable. Any chance you can follow up with me and resend to my email? Thank you!

  5. Hi,
    I can’t seem to download it. I can copy the link and print from my printer app, but there’s no download or copy image option. What am I doing wrong?

  6. Hello, I love this chart! I don’t see where I enter my email to receive a copy. Can you share it with me? Thank you so much!

  7. Would love to use the Summer Camp themed reading chart for 2023 — have entered my email several times but nothing has come through after 24 hours. Hmm. Wondering if you could kindly send it to me via email? Many thanks.

      1. Hello! Thanks, Kelsey for being in touch. I am interested in using the SUMMER CAMP themed reading chart (from 2022) this year, not the more recent Road Trip themed chart. (My girl is going to camp for the first time so that one seems fitting, plus it’s adorable! And we didn’t use it last year.) Is it possible, please, for you to email me the Summer Camp chart? I’ve tried several times and it’s just not appearing in my inbox. Many thanks. Happy Summer!

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