
When You Need More Story Podcasts

If you’re looking for the best story podcasts for kids, the Stories podcast has wonderful re-tellings of fairy tales and folk stories performed with original music. This children’s stories podcast has quickly become one of our family favorites!

Last fall, I wrote a post about the Circle Round podcast as part of their launch, and since then, our family has been rabid fans.

We have listened to every single episode multiple times (in some cases, upwards of 20 or 30 times) and I think they are marvelously done.

It’s just such an excellent example of a kids story podcast done well.

The Best Story Podcasts

But Circle Round only came out just over six months ago, and since only one episode comes out a week, there just wasn’t the backlog of story podcasts we needed for our daily driving.

Plus, because I talked about Circle Round so often on InstaStories, I started getting questions about our other favorite story podcasts for kids and the embarrassing answer was . . . we didn’t listen to any other story podcasts.

Or actually any other children’s podcasts.

story podcasts

We’d tried a few here and there, but none of them really impressed me or captured the attention of my girls like the Circle Round podcast.

A New-to-Us Kids Story Podcast

And then, someone mentioned Stories Podcast, telling me it was one of the best story podcasts for kids out there.

So next time we were in the car, I pulled it up on the Podcast app and opened up an episode at random.

One episode and we were all HOOKED.

The stories are so fun and nearly all of them have an original song.

best story podcasts

The best part about Stories podcast?

The backlog is massive.

There are something like 200 episodes, so there is plenty to keep us all listening, and we’ve probably listened to probably 50-70 at this point and loved just about all of them.

They also have some longer original stories broken up into sections, but we haven’t listened to those ones yet.

kids story podcast

I only have one complaint about this children’s stories podcast.

One is that they occasionally use the word “butt” which is a word I loathe with all my being and it is never ever used in our house. It’s not often, but it does show up in a few episodes, including the punchline for The Golden Screw, which is one of my girls’ very favorite episodes.

Whenever they repeat the last line, they change it to “bum,” because they still want to be allowed to live in my house.

But other than that, it’s just TERRIFICALLY done and I’m thrilled to have a new stash of stories to listen to as we run errands, including dozens of classic fairy tales and folk tales.

Children’s Stories Podcast

Like most podcasts, you can listen to this one through iTunes or Stitcher or stream it right from their website.

If you’re looking for new story podcasts and want to give this one a try, I highly recommend The Big Scary Cave, Two of Everything, and The Goblin Picnic.

If you liked this post about story podcasts, you might also enjoy these posts:

children's stories podcast

Photos by Christie Knight Photography

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  1. We will have to check it out! And I laughed because we do the same thing… we say “bum” or “bottom.” If I’m reading a book out lout to them, I always edit that word. 😉

  2. THANK YOU for your comments about “butt.” I hate it too, and my kids picked it up somewhere. I correct it every time, but it still shows up and *pulls hair out*
    Anywayyyy… we love Circle Round, too, and I will definitely check out the new one!

  3. Perfect timing! We’re (actually, I am) a little sick of Circle Round. Totally checking this out today!

  4. I should probably confess that we do “Guess what? CHICKEN BUTT” at our house like…all the time. It’s 100% my fault. I got so tired of, “Hey mom, guess what?” eighteen thousand times one day and I finally responded, “Chicken butt?” and my kids won’t let it go.

    I understand if we’re never invited over again.

  5. Thanks for the recommendation! My kids also love circle round–I like it too! My kids also like “But why?” and “Wow in the World”. I’m going to check this out. I also just got the Treasury for Children on CD. I’m so so thankful for these recommendations especially as we head into summer vacation.

  6. We love Stories podcast! Another good one is Little Stories for Tiny People; I just love the narrator.

    1. We just discovered Little Stories for Tiny People and we love it! I will often stop what I am doing (usually dishes or cleaning) and listen in with my twins!

  7. “wow in the world” is fantastically fun with science. so well done. we are circle round and stories podcasts.

  8. Hilarious – it could be a cultural divide, but when I was growing up (here in Australia), the word ‘bum’ was considered FAR ruder than the word “butt”. We were not allowed to say ‘bum’ at all.

    1. I agree. To me “bum” is far more vulgar than “butt”. Maybe because when I hear the word “bum” that is the image my mind conjures,. However we use the word ‘but” all the time so my mind doesn’t think anything when It is not set in reference to our hind end.

  9. This is too fun! We LOVE circle round and stories podcast. Our newest fun podcast is Noodleloaf! It’s a darling podcast that features singing,laughing and has everyone (including me) smiling. The silly voices, songs and play along activities are too much fun. Check it out!

  10. My girls love Story Pirates, they are 4 and 5. It was recommended by John and Sherry from the YoungHouseLove podcast

  11. Thank you for all the comments about podcasts. Would like to try them with my 4-and 5-year old preschool children. You have all given me some great ideas!

  12. Also highly recommend Big Life Podcast. It is SO AMAZING and has a great storytelling aspect to it. Great for kids!

  13. Your oldest might like the Six Minutes Podcast by BestRobotEver. I use it with my fourth grade class and they LOVE it! It’s about a family who is on a cruise and they find a girl in the water. The girl doesn’t remember who she is or how she got there. There are over 200 episodes and they are still releasing them, so lots to listen to. Plus, they are only six minutes so they are perfect for a short car ride 😉 BestRobotEver has a few other great podcasts, although I haven’t listened to them so I can’t speak to them. Definitely worth checking out.

  14. We have been listening to Circle Round ever since I found out about it from you. My kids love them and I’ve been telling every mom I know about them! Look forward to checking these ones out too. Thanks Janssen!

  15. Thank you! I’m like you – I enjoy audiobooks and was looking for an option for my four year old. We have a 15 minute drive to preschool and I’m getting sick of the Casper BabyPants Pandora station… Checking them out from the library seemed overwhelming but THIS is perfect!! We will be starting today!

  16. Our 2 absolute favorites are “Little Learner’s Storytime podcast” from Orem Library which are interactive storytimes with stories, songs, games, etc., and “Who Smarted?” which focuses on really fun science and history topics for kids.

  17. We love Circle Round and Stories podcast, but our absolute favorite is Sparkle stories! They’re so calming and teach great lessons.

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