Reasons Why Life Is Lovely
1) Today I answered my first question as a TA without desperately IMing the other TAs online and without frantically Googling “where does the footer go in XHTML?” It was pretty much the highlight of my week – I talked about XHTML Doc Structure, linking to CSS style sheets, title tags, and editing web pages with Pico. I definitely deserve a giant raise, don’t you think? Two weeks ago, I had no idea what Pico even was. . .shh, don’t tell my students.
2) Yesterday I went in and got two of my birthday purchases price adjusted. The skirt I’d bought at Old Navy for 50% off was now 75% off and the sweater I purchased was $5 less than it was a week ago. Hello money, so nice to see you back again. If you haven’t ever experienced the joy of price adjustments, I urge you to try it out immediately. I’ve never felt so pleased in my life.
3) I’ve finished two books this week, which shocks me as I’m up to my eyeballs in work (both of the money paying kind and the school kind). Praises to my iPod.
4) Tomorrow, some friends and I are having a little birthday bash to celebrate all of our birthday which are, um, not at all close together. There will be homemade sushi. I will be bringing this (the dessert at the end of the post, not the chicken puff pie).
Ho ho ho. That looks so good. You DO love me, don’t you?
Whoa, that’s awesome that you’re using Pico now. I’m impressed.
Well. I’m excited! I better step up to the plate with promised fatty chip dip.
Congratulations, I’ve never heard of Pico. Except Pico de gallo, and I don’t really even know what that is.
You might as well be speaking Martian or Saturnize or ? in that 1st paragraph. This shows how lame, nerdish, and old I am! To me, Pico is a pitch (font size) on a typewriter. Pico means small or a little bit or to peck? Pico is my husband’s gr-gr-great-grandmother’s maiden name. Pio Pico was the last Mexican governor of California and a relative of the above grandmother. I know, too much information. I told you I’m lame. 🙂
Cool to get money back or off your purchases.
Those bars look and sound scrumptious (sp).
The price adjustment is the BEST! THING! EVER!
Never tried price adjustment before. Where have I been?
I had no idea you could “price adjust” with clothing! I am definitely going to try that!
By the way. You totally inspire me to be a good cook. The chicken cordon bleu I made on Wednesday night was YOUR recipe! Thank you :).
ps. They turned out as delicious as you said months ago (on your blog) that they were. I didn’t have paprika, so used chili powder and it wasn’t spicy at all. I just need some sort of malet to get my meat flatter next time. Don’t worry, there will definitely be a next time.