One Million Calories Later
My parents and my brother, Crawford, came to visit this past weekend. My dad was lecturing in Dallas and by luck, my brother had Thursday and Friday off of school.
I won’t bore you with the details except the ones relating to food so that when you come to visit me, you can tell me which of these places you want to go too:
- Tejis, the best Indian food in all the land (even Crawford, who was mega dubious, loved it and talked about it all evening).
- Hopdoddy for burgers. It was as good as we’d been promised.
- Amy’s Ice Cream (I mention this mainly to make Kelly jealous)
- Pita Fusion (Bart’s favorite lunch place ever)
- Gourdoughs (three doughnuts versus six adults and one child. The doughnuts won).
Ella made a good-faith effort on the Black Out Doughnut |
I lied. I’ll make you suffer through some other stuff we did too:
Ella thinks she might be a bat (@ Book People) |
- Book People
- O. Henry’s house
- Zilker Botanical Gardens
- Shopping at the Domain
- Nadeau (a furniture store recommended by Bethany. She was not wrong about how fun it was).
- Four million games of Dominion none of which I won. What a conspiracy.
Not bad for a 48 hour trip, I’d say.
Also, if you come to visit, I will let Ella welcome you the same way she welcomed my family – by screaming all the way home from the airport. It was pretty much the best car ride of Crawford’s life.
Um, YUM. I clearly need to come visit Austin!
Amy's AND Book People! Argh. You kill me, Janssen.
When one of Eric's brothers was in town, we thought it would be fun to have sleepovers with their kids. So we invited our two nephews to come home with us one night. Ike screamed and cried the entire way home from Eric's parents' house. I do not think the nephews were very impressed.
And what kind of donuts were those????
Mmmmmm, doughnuts.
Wow. You seriously look like your dad and Crawford seriously looks like your mom.
Sounds like a fantastic weekend! Family in town is the best.
I'm so sad that everyone got together except us! LAME.
Also, Crawford's hair is getting very Biebster…
Aww, look at all of you! What a handsome family you have.
Such a handsome family you have, Janssen. 🙂
ooh. We love Dominion in our house. Have you tried an expansion? You linked to one, so I am assuming yes. Are they worth it?
Also, those doughnuts sounds amazing.
Mmmmmm, sign me up for Indian! I love that kind of stuff! Sounds tasty!
Your family was in town and we didn't get to meet them? I'm not gonna lie, I'm disappointed.
I thought Crawford was a little guy. He looks ginormous! I guess maybe he has grown in the four years since I met you : )