Ode to Ice Cream or “How you know you are rather pathetic”

Today is Ben and Jerry’s Free Cone Day. We went over tonight about an hour before it closed up for the evening; Bart got “Phish Food” and I got “Cinnamon Buns,” which may well be the best ice cream I’ve ever tasted. I don’t know what it is about Cinnamon ice cream, but it’s always one of my favorites. I went to Maggie Moo’s recently and got cinnamon ice cream with cookie dough, caramel, and teddy grahams. Delicious!

If I had to choose any dessert to eat solely for the rest of my life, it would be, without a doubt, ice cream. I love ice cream; I love mint, I love cookies and cream, I love white chocolate, I love brownie ice cream, I love strawberry, etc, etc, etc. The only kind of ice cream I don’t particularly love is chocolate (although few things are as delicious as Cold Stone chocolate ice cream with raspberries).

I definitely come by my love of ice cream naturally; my dad, who doesn’t really care for sweets, does very much enjoy ice cream, particularly mint chocolate chip. He worked at an ice cream store in high school, and I followed suit, working at Cold Stone in Las Vegas for 3 1/2 years.

When I worked at Cold Stone, and it got slow, I would take two little sample spoons and make myself a mini-creation, trying to figure out what might be delicious, or tasting popular combinations so that I could recommend (or not recommend) any number of things (it bothers me when you go to a restaurant and the waiter/waitress tells you “I don’t know if that’s any good; I’ve never tried it”). When you have more than a dozen flavors and thirty or forty different mix-ins, there really is no limit to the combinations you can come up with. Oh, life was good.

I just really love ice cream. Last night, some friends of our stopped by to bring us a thank-you gift for babysitting their children over the weekend last month. In addition to a gift certificate, they brought us a half gallon of “Chocolate Brownie Overload” by Blue Bell. It’s filled with peanut butter brownies, three kinds of nuts, whipped cream, fudge, and caramel. It’s unspeakably delicious. I think I might go have a spoonful right now. Mmmmmmmm….

P.S. Sorry not to have mentioned Free Cone Day – I’ve been waiting for it for weeks, so I’m not sure how it slipped my mind. Hopefully someone kinder than me told you, and you were able to enjoy a delicious scoop of your choice.

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  1. Elizabeth – Thanks for comment! I llooooove German Chocolate cake – that caramel and coconut is a killer combo. Congrats on being on Mommybloggers today. I really enjoyed your guest post; so sweet!

  2. Yay for free cone day! I definitely went and partook of the goodness, and I must agree with you: I love ice cream more than almost any other food item, and if it’s peanut butter ice cream you’ve killed two birds with one stone as far as the favorites go. Mmm…
    Remember Yorkie McFlurries and vanilla ice cream with McVities?

  3. Hurray for Ben & Jerry’s!! And Hurray for Free Cone Day! And Hurray for someone else not loving chocolate ice-cream! I love ice-cream, but not chocolate ice-cream. I think it’s because a) they rarely use the “good” chocolate and b) it’s not nearly as sweet as a chocolate nougat or truffle or something. I’d rather have vanilla ice-cream drowning with real hot fudge chocolate sauce…yum!

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