I Love Non-Elastic Pants

Now you’re all wishing you hadn’t said nice things last week when I posted an outfit photo. Because I clearly took it to mean you wanted more outfits.

Also, can I mention how much better it is getting dressed when you aren’t pregnant? (1000000x better. Plus 10). I am saving an average of fifty minutes a day that I was previously spending pulling my pants back up.

Mainly, I am super happy to have more than two pairs of pants to wear. By the time Ani was one month old, I’d already bought four new pairs of pants – clearly, I had gone through pants withdrawal.

These pants were $8, so it’s not like I could say no.

And after a week of warm warm weather, I put away allllllll my winter clothing (and some non-maternity clothing that I’d worn throughout my pregnancy but just couldn’t bear to wear anymore) and then it turned all cold again (well. . . cold in my world, which means it was highs of 59) and this was pretty much the only long-sleeve shirt I had available.
Also, when I went to upload that picture above, this is the picture that was next to it in the folder:
Am I the only one who thinks that’s awesome?
I don’t know why they ended up next to each other, since the one on the left is from last February, but it kind of made my day (clearly, it doesn’t take too much to thrill me – but then, after last week, any day that doesn’t involve me cleaning up someone else’s vomit in the middle of the night is a red-letter day for me. Ella made it 2.5 years without ever getting more than the sniffles, but I knew our luck couldn’t hold forever).
And now I’m missing my bangs a little bit.

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  1. A) hate falling pants. Exact reason I avoided them while pregnant.

    B) on the flip side, several new pairs since and they're all u ever wear. I mean, pants!! Who knew they were awesome?

    C) n threw up for the first time about a month ago (fortunately, during the day and he chose a day Dan was home…) and it was…not my favorite parenting moment.

  2. You're funny. And fashionable.
    This is why I hope you'll keep being friends with me.
    Also… the bangs. It's such a love-hate relationship, isn't it?!?

  3. Seeing all of your colored pants is, so far, the only thing that's tempted me to break my no new clothes in 2013 resolution (still holding strong though). I love that green color. You're super lucky that you wear such a small size and that there are left overs to go on clearance. I can almost never find anything in my size on clearance since I'm fairly average.

    I agree with Jenny – it's a completely love/hate relationship with bangs.

  4. Ahh! I'm so with you on the bangs. I got blunt bangs cut in January, and while they were cute, they were a beast to manage, so I vowed to grow them out. I just got a haircut a few days ago, and when my stylist asked if I wanted my bangs trimmed up, somehow I answered, "Yeah, that would be great!!!" super enthusiastically….so now I have short bangs again. WHAT?! How does this happen?! Hahahaha.

    I absolutely love this shade of green/blue/turquoise/whatever with black. One of my favorite striking color combinations 🙂


  5. Ahh, this post has given me hope. 2 more months then hopefully a big adios to those darn elastic waistbands for me. And, I love your green pants and your sparkly shoes (which I wear daily because Jilly insists.)

  6. Ha! I love those two photos next to each other. Aaand… don't hate me for saying this, but I really love your bangs. Like, a lot.

  7. Bangs… they're evil but oh so cute! I kinda love them. But I really hate them so….

    59, that's what it is today and we're sweating. I miss being warm, I really do.

  8. Love that color! and I love the pics that you posted of Ella last week (just catching up on some blogs … WAY busy lately), she is such a little model in the making 🙂

  9. 4 pairs – I'm impressed! I have to try on roughly 23 pairs of pants of find one pair that fits, so I'd probably die if I were able to find 4 pairs in a month. 🙂

    And I love your two back-to-back pictures – too funny!

  10. So pretty!! Except my postpartum bod isn't fun to dress:/ miss the excuse to be large.(But hate being pregnant. Conundrum!)

  11. I love the opposite colored outfits! I totally miss my bangs too, but with all the post-partum hair loss, the bangs will have to wait until my hair grows back or else they're super sparse and ugly.

    I love the color of those jeans!

  12. I keep trying on my pre-pregnancy pants in hopes……only to be disappointed when I can't zip them up. One day…

  13. I envy your being able to wear non-elastic pants! After two babies, all that seem to fit me are maternity bottoms and trapeze tops. Le sigh.

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