How to Survive a Las Vegas Summer

It’s one thing to think about spending the summer in Las Vegas while you’re happily hanging out in 70 degree weather.

It’s quite another to wake up to a weather forecast of 108 for the next week . . . and, to be honest, most of the rest of the summer.

One week in, though, I think we’re handling it pretty well (although ask me in early August and I may be whistling a different tune. Especially if I’ve learned how to whistle).

My parents pool is getting some serious use. As of yesterday afternoon, we’d gone swimming six times since Monday morning.

We’re also playing hundreds of games of Uno, Go Fish, and Trouble, and are otherwise looking for indoor entertainment. Nail painting has been wildly popular. Ani won’t let me paint her nails, but she loves for Ella to do them for her.

And we’re going full-throttle on frozen fruit bars over here.

My parents have a porch swing that my girls are in love with, and it’s shaded pretty much all day long, so we spend a lot of time out there, usually with our afternoon snacks.

It’s generally one of my favorite times of the day, when the girls are well-rested after naps and quiet time, and I’m always a super popular mom when I pass out the Fruttare bars.

These ones are strawberry, but now I’m dying to try the coconut ones and the black cherry flavor. I love that they aren’t ice-y (yuck!) and that the flavor is really vibrant. And I never say no to a fruit bar with actual chunks of fruit in it.

(I know that Bart is reading this post in Arizona right now and thinking, “You had better be saving some of those for me when I get to Las Vegas tonight.” These are basically the only treat that’s not chocolate I’ve ever heard him actually suggest without prompting).

Also, I’m trying to remember to drink about forty times as much water as normal. Not only is it ridiculously hot, it is also incredibly dry. I’m already a big water drinker, but in this weather, my regular definitely seems a little inadequate. (Straws from Twigs and Twirls)


And in defense of Vegas, it’s usually pretty nice in the evenings once the sun goes down, and my parents’ backyard is super nice, with lots of seating, so once the girls are in bed, I like to sneak out there and read.
Also, with no children around, no one asks for a bite of my Fruttare bar.
(Although, Ella’s bedroom window looks over the backyard and when I came inside a few nights ago, a little voice floated down the stairs, “Mom? I think I saw you eating a strawberry fruit bar by the pool. Can I have one?”).


I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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  1. These sound really good, and I can tell the girls are loving them. Are they available yet in Ukraine? If not, based on today's weather, I may have to find a substitute.

  2. Ani's face in that first picture! And Ella sounds like my kids, if they hear or see signs of something being eaten without them, they are quick to call me out on it.

  3. Unrelated: I love that your girls look nothing alike. I secretly hope that my boys don't look anything alike either. Since the chances of us getting another blue eyed kid are pretty slim, I think it might happen.

  4. We just recently tried these bars too. They are so good. My kids love the banana one. I must say though. Its almost impossible to stay cool in a Vegas Summer. 🙂

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