The Girl Who Was On Fire edited by Leah Wilson

the girl who was on fire

The Girl who was on Fire is not my normal kind of read. But this book was so fantastically terrific. If you’re a Hunger Games fan, this is worth a read.

Look, I am not the kind of person who wants to read endlessly about books I like (well, okay, I love reading blog posts about books I like, but I don’t want to read an entire book about people who have clearly thought way too deeply about something I read, enjoyed, and do not want to read a dissertation on).

So, I thought there was a distinct possibility I would not actually love this The Girl Who Was On Fire.

And then I read the first essay and it was so ludicrously smart and engaging and I had to read whole paragraphs to Bart after he got home from work reeeeeeeally late and probably wanted only to go to sleep. But no! He must listen. (Good soul that he is, he totally listened. And acted interested).

the girl who was on fire edited by leah wilson

There are thirteen essays in this book, each written by a different YA author, and each one is fantastic. The first one is about why the Hunger Games has been so insanely popular. I know, sounds cliche. But it’s anything but. For instance, this paragraph:

Another things that kept me reading compulsively was sheer interest in how the novel is structured: how does Suzanne Collins allay the very bleak premise of the Hunger Games enough so that we are not all carted, weeping softly, off to a lunatic asylum in the middle of Catching Fire, and how does she keep her characters sympathetic even when they are almost all, by necessity, murderers?

Why indeed? And that’s just the beginning. The chapter about Team Katniss – why she is such a fascinating character independent of the two boys vying for her love. Or the one about love as a political act. Or how fashion is used in the books (I was sure this would be the one I yawned through. I did not. Not even for a moment). How surveillance keeps people in check (or doesn’t). How Katniss’ world is one of smoke and mirrors, where it is incredibly difficult for people to tell what is real and what is not.

Reading this book is like going to an English class where your professor suddenly starts pointing out all the symbolism and themes and you think, “wow, I didn’t even like this book and now I want to reread it.” Imagine that happening with a book you actually loved. You could talk for ages about this.

I only read Mockingjay back in August when it came out, but now that I’m itching to read the entire series straight through. I generally wouldn’t be the person recommending a book of essays about another book, but here I am. Seriously, this is fascinating stuff.

Also, this book did what the three original books failed to do – it turned me to Team Peeta.

And. . . when I emailed the publisher to tell them how much I LOVED The Girl Who Was on Fire, they offered to give a copy away to a reader. So, if you’d like your own copy, leave a comment (one per person, only if you live in the USA or Canada, tragically (that is, it’s tragic that it’s only open to those readers, not tragic if you live in one of those two countries)). I’ll close entries at midnight on Sunday night and announce a winner Monday morning. Ta-da!

Advance copy received from publisher


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  1. I am listening to the books all the way through and I am still Team Gale. But we can still be friends.

  2. OH yes, may this be the time I win something on a blog. It would be a wonderful read for me right now. Here's hopin!

  3. Your enthusiasm for The Girl Who Was on Fire has me intrigued – I'd love to win a copy!

  4. I would love to read this. Sometimes essays really draw me in, and these sound likes some I might enjoy!

  5. Ok, this I will have to read. Not only is it just what my nerdy heart loves, but I'd love to see what turned you to Team Peeta.

  6. Thanks for the chance! I actually love reading essays about books that I have read, and I read and loved this series. I'll have to check it out.

  7. I would like to win/read this book.

    I've always been Team Peeta. Maybe this would switch me to Team Gale?

  8. How fun! I always loved reading books in class but then disliked them by the end because the teachers made us deconstruct them down to the very letter. I always wondered if the authors consciously put in half the symbols, alternate meanings and tangents the teachers said they did! I really do enjoy insights and back stories and connections where you can see events starting in book one that came to fruition in the last book and things like that. I’m very curious to learn more about The Hunger Games because it’s become so powerful! So…pick me! 🙂

  9. Ooh I'd love a copy! I read the series last April (and finished in August) then started again in October. That is a pretty quick turn around for me since I only got around to reading Harry Potter again three and a half years after D.H. came out. In my defense, Harry Potter is a pretty big commitment. Melissamturney(at)gmail(dot)com

  10. I'm intrigued…even though I didn't love the end of the Hunger Games series, I am intrigued by this book.


  11. I would LOVE to read this.

    Also, I never was able to decide between Gale and Peeta (unlike Twilight, in which case I have always been wholeheartedly in the Jacob camp).

  12. I'm a first time commenter, but I love your blog!

    I loved, loved, loved, these books! I actually just started the series about a month or so ago and have not yet finished Mocking Jay. I have looked forward to finishing each book and then reading your review!

    Regardless of me winning (which would be awesome), I will be getting this book!


  13. I would love to win! I wrote an essay on HG last Winter, but at that time there was essentially no criticism published on the series.

  14. Please please please!? I have been itching to read this book since you recommended it to me a month or so ago. And since I am totally an English Teacher (retired) and live for good analysis of good books, I think I need to own this one.

  15. I've been Team Peeta from the beginning, but I am nerdily excited for this book. Several of my students are into the Hunger Games, and I really hope I can convince them to read this, too.

  16. You are crazy for never being on Team Peeta before now…he's obviously the better choice. I'll read this book just to reaffirm my love for Peeta.

  17. I don't live in the USA or Canada but I can give you an American address to send it to..I hope that's good enough 😉

  18. man. i hate it when i read something in my google reader, and it rocks, so i rush over….. and there's 40+ comments already…. you could just pick me, hehe! I read the books in 3 days, ALL of them. I'm so hooked. This book sounds fascinating!

  19. Hmm, I'm actually intrigued. I was left feeling very unfulfilled at the end – did the book of essays help with that?

  20. I can't wait to read this book! And since it isn't available at my library yet it would be so exciting to get it from you!!!

  21. Oh my gosh, I was Team Peeta for sure by the time I finished Mockingjay. Also, I have to thank you for mentioning those sweet potatoe foil tacos….I tried them out on a whim yesterday (I was not so sure because sweet potatoes with taco meat seems like a straaaaange combinations) but they were DIVINE!!!!

  22. Pick me, pick me!

    The HG triology has been one of those books that has lingered in my mind for months now. I read them all at the end of september in a 2 day span and just loved them. I reread them again this month and found them just as spellbinding.

  23. I was thinking I wouldn't be too interested in it either, but after your encouragement…I think I'd like it!

  24. ohh yes! We just re-read the Mockingjay outloud on our road trip over spring break! We have another 20 plus roadtrip together in May and we'll need the reading material.

  25. Enter me! Even though I haven't read 2 & 3, I fully intend to. Mike read all three back to back to back and LOVED them, so I think he'd like this too.

  26. I would love a copy of this book. If I don't win it, I am still buying it 😀 I have heard only good about it, so I am excited!!

  27. I am so excited to read this book while re-reading the Trilogy 🙂 and gain more depth into the story and characters before the movie comes out and takes away my picture of who the characters are… (but I can't not see the movie…)

  28. You're making me want to reread the series. I'd love to give this book a try! (And just for the record, Team Peeta FTW!)

  29. Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Just re-read the series last week! Your review puts this book on my must read list!! Thanks!!!

  30. That's so awesome. I hope I can feel the way you did about wanting to reread the books!
    Usually I don't like rereading books because I think it takes away from the first experience of reading it, but maybe with "The Girl Who Was On Fire" I'll be able to read it in a different light.

  31. I'm glad to hear that you liked the book. Oh, and now I want to do a re-read too, lol. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  32. This book sounds like a great tool to open up discussions in the classroom. Definitely added to my to-read list.

  33. I use The Hunger Games with my preservice teachers in order to teach them about teaching novels. They LOVE it, and they are all Team Peeta this term.

  34. I absolutely love this trilogy. I've even got a ton of girls in my sorority to start reading it. I am dying to get my hands on a copy of the book your giving away. Please pick me!

  35. I had the same opinion about reading things about books i like. That's one of the reasons I don't like fan fiction. But, if you think this book is worth it, i would love to give it a chance. Thank you for hosting this contest! (:

    -Moriah D.

  36. I would love to read this book! I'm such a big fan of the Hunger Games Trilogy! It sounds so interesting and it would give me something to do while waiting for the movie to come out.

  37. I would love to win a copy of The Girl Who Was On Fire, and I'm so glad to hear that it made you want to read the series again, you know it's a good book of essays when it does that! 😀 …and welcome to Team Peeta 😉 haha

    Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this fabulous book of essays! 😀

  38. oh my gosh, I just finished Mockingjay on Tuesday. I'd read the first one a year ago but then haven't had the time and now that I'm done I want more. I'll HAVE to read this book- what perfect timing in a review!

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