On Saturday morning, we did our best to meet our “all vacations should include some degree of decadence” quota. Gina, my sister-in-law, had noticed that there was a sign at the fairgrounds for a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory sale. I don’t know if you’re familiar with this chocolate factory (we have one of their stores just up the freeway from us), but it’s absolutely delicious, particularly their caramel apples. Apparently, it was founded in Durango and two or three times a year they have a huge sale. We all piled into the cars and went to the fair grounds where we discovered a chocolate lover’s paradise. There were boxes and boxes of chocolate, in all varieties: caramels, truffles, creams, pretzels, dark chocolate assortments, milk chocolate boxes, mints, turtle clusters — everything (except the apples, unfortunately). Rather than the normal $20-40 per box, or $15-20 per pound, the boxes were $5 and all the loose chocolate cost between $2 and $4 per pound. Each of the families bought several bags and boxes worth of chocolate, including us. For the grand sum of $8, we walked away with five bags of raspberry and cherry truffles, strawberry and Bordeaux creams, peanut butter bars, dark chocolate turtles, caramel nut chews, and mint squares. It was definitely a rocking way to up the decadence quotient.
Heather (another sister-in-law) and I also walked around downtown for a few minutes while Bart’s dad and brother bought a fishing license. Heather had her little daughter with her, and we passed a shoe store that looked somewhat interesting. Apparently this daughter, who is all of 20 months old, looooooooves shoes (which makes her awesome) and made a beeline toward the kids section where she begged to have her shoes taken off and then tried on several pairs of shoes. I hadn’t planned on uploading any pictures tonight, seeing as the camera and cord are in the study and I’m in my nice warm bed, but she is so cute that it must be seen. Immediately.
droooool! I love RMCF – grew up on that stuff!
Ah, I woman after my own heart! (Both Janssen on the chocolate, and the adorable tow-head on the shoe obsession!)