A Texas Vacation
Bart’s been in Utah for the past few days for a wedding, and I stayed home, seeing as how I have practically no vacation days to begin with, and certainly not enough to go blowing three of them on a wedding for a cousin I’ve met one whole time (not that I wouldn’t have been there in a second if I had vacation days to spare).
Since I generally enjoy being alone, I had all sorts of plans for what I’d do while I was on my own. I’d write posts for the last two books I’ve read (you can see how well that plan went), I’d work out every night (mm, one for three isn’t bad), and I wouldn’t cook a thing (we have a winner!). It’s like a vacation at home! With your own pillow and perfect mattress. And no worries about whether you packed the right shoes or not.
Last night I went to the outlet mall and wandered around for a bit (I absolutely love that place!), and then I went to HEB and bought a pint of Ben and Jerry’s “Cinnamon Buns” ice cream and some sushi. I watched video clips on YouTube (I’ve given in! (actually, I’ve been sucked in)) and read in bed until I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. It was a good, good evening.
Despite all my crazy partying, though, I’m extremely glad Bart is, at this minute, flying home. I’m excited to hear all about his trip, the wedding, and the time he spent with his family. Even more, I’m looking forward to not concentrating insanely hard on every little creak of the house while I lie in bed, trying to convince myself I’m perfectly safe. It’s very exhausting being terrified.
I know what you mean about hearing every creak. Even now when I have kids in the house when hubby is gone it is the same thing.
Whenver I am home alone I have grand ideas of everything I am going to accomplish (right down to losing 10 lbs in a week — jk!) but somehow I end up doing a lot more vegging out…