A beautiful newborn portrait

There’s something about me that you may not know because I don’t like to brag about it.

I am a brilliant artist.

Oh wait, that’s not me. That’s my sister Merrick. I am about as artistic as a jar of mayonnaise.

Do you remember this baby?

She was less than 48 hours old in that photograph.

Merrick came for Ella’s blessing bearing gifts. Specifically this one:

I sort of can’t believe I’m related to someone who can do this. I was going to post a photo of the portrait I did of Ella, but I couldn’t get the stick-figure arms to be the same length. Oh well.

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  1. She is incredibly talented!!! (so are you- in different ways;) I'm as artistic as a jar of mayonnaise too but that portrait is BEAUTIFUL!!

  2. Brilliant is right. Nice work Merrick, what an amazing gift. Hm, still bummed Enna's blessing didn't occur in here so I could see this in person. 😉

  3. "I was going to post a photo of the portrait I did of Enna, but I couldn't get the stick-figure arms to be the same length."

    *laughs* I know how you feel. I have a very artistically talented sister as well. That is a great painting of a beautiful baby!

  4. What a beautiful picture of Enna. You are so fortunate to benefit from your sister's talent.

    While you are perhaps artistically gifted as a jar of mayonnaise, I'm sure any mayonnaise you were to put in a jar would be delicious!

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