All Ella: Episode 2

Janssen: [to Bart] I’m so glad we came to London in the fall semester instead of in January. That’d be such a long, cold slog.
Ella: What’s a long, cold snog?

Out of nowhere
Ella: Aren’t you so glad you aren’t a bad guy?

On discovering that there were no audio copies of The Boxcar Children series available to listen to during quiet time
Ella: [tears]
Janssen: It’s okay – I’ll find you some other mysteries to listen to.
Ella: But it’s the characters I love!

After discovering that Ani had unrolled half the roll of toilet paper while trying to tear off a square to remove her nail polish
Ella: That was NOT very clever.

When I told Ella that she asks a lot of questions
Ella: I am very bizarre, aren’t I? Do you think I’ll be a bizarre mom when I grow up? [pause] That was a ridiculous question.

At the airport while waiting for our flight back to London from Barcelona
Janssen: How’s that chocolate doughnut?
Ella: Look at my face. Can you see the joy spreading over it?

Both girls are trying to snuggle me on my bed
Janssen: I’m feeling pretty claustrophobic over here.
Ella: Does that mean ‘very loved’?

When Ella complains that she’s hungry
Bart: Didn’t you have breakfast?
Ella: Well, some, but I don’t like to eat at dawn.

From the bottom seat of the stroller:
Ella: How do you spell “bears?”
Janssen: B-E-A-R-S.
Ella: Why did you say that so suspiciously?

P.S. More Ella hilarity here.

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  1. I love your All Ella posts. She is the most entertaining 4 year old (she's still four, right?) that I know! Cracks me up every time, and I often read them to my husband.

  2. The "I don't like to eat much at dawn" and "Can't you see the joy spreading over my face" are the BEST! What a crack up!

  3. "Look at my face." My favorite part. I'm going to need her and Charlie to sit down and have a conversation together. That would be awesome.

  4. I wish I could hear these snippets. I can only imagine her sweet baby but not baby voice. I really hope you're recording them somehow; I have little bits of my 2yr old son on an old cellphone. It's a treasure to rediscover them every now and then.

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