Tell Me What to Read: Round 16

October has gone by so ridiculously fast I can hardly believe it.

Time to finish up your costumes (or start them (or not dress up at all, which is my general mode of operation)) and also suggest a book for me to read. You know the drill:

1. Comment with the title of one book you think I should read (any book you want). One title only, please, lest my brain explode.
2. I’ll select one comment at random and announce it on the blog within the next week.
3. On the off-chance that I’ve already read the book you select, I’ll contact you and ask for a follow-up suggestion (make sure there is a way to contact you either by blog or email).
4. I’ll get a copy of the book and read it by the end of November.
5. I’ll write a review of it here. Even if I hate the book, I will not hate you.

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  1. Going with last month's suggestion, because it's the best book I've read in so long – "I Am the Messenger" by Marcus Zusak. Crossing my fingers here!

  2. Just finished reading the most amazing book. I still need to write a review on it but essentially it's a book that I want tons of sequels to… lol. The book is: The Grimm Legacy by Polly Shulman.

  3. Hmmmm…. I'm going to break with tradition and suggest something new. I'm copying Chrissie here.

    "I Am the Messenger" WAS very good, so I suggest that.

  4. Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks. Not sure if this is your type of book since I haven't seen a Sparks review on here yet, so it would be interesting to see your opinion!

  5. An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations. Ha ha ha!! I'm still chuckling about Casey last month. Just kidding. Hey, once again I'm going to put in a plug for "The Magicians" by Lev Grossman, although it's now been so long since I read it I don't remember why I was so in love with it.

  6. Okay, I'm just going to suggest the same book until you read it (for this purpose or otherwise) by dint of my bludgeoning you with this title because there is no other book I want you to read more than this one:

    Two-Part Invention, by Madeleine L'Engle

  7. Do you love (or even like) poetry? I do. My sister just gave me a lovely edition of "A Child's Garden of Verses" by Robert Luis Stevenson (illustrated by Gyo Fugikawa). I love it. You should read it aloud to Ella.

  8. I'm suggesting Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day by Winifred Watson. I think it's better not to be picked, because I would be heartbroken if you didn't like it.

  9. So I was trying to think of what was the most awesome book I've read lately, and it was (hands down) Finnikin of the Rock. I was going to suggest that, till I remembered I read it because of your review. 😀 So I'll suggest The Island by Elin Hilderbrand. I've been hating all the adult books I've read lately, but I loved this one.

  10. I'm going with a nostalgic pick this month – The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare.

    It's YA! And really good! (And perhaps you've read it already but I'm still suggesting it.)

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