10 Favorite Summer Puzzles

I love a good puzzle any time of the year but I REALLY love a good puzzle during the summer.

One of my all-time favorite summer hobbies is setting up a puzzle on my back deck and listening to an audiobook in the evening as it cools down and I work on my latest jigsaw puzzle.

(I also LOVE taking a puzzle on a trip and doing it on vacation, especially when others join in with me!).

If you’re looking for a good summer puzzle, here are some of my very favorites!

summer puzzles

10 Favorite Summer Puzzles

So Many Stickers PuzzleSo. Many. Stickers (1000 Piece Puzzle)
This is one of my all-time favorite puzzles and it’s perfect for summer with all sorts of summery illustrations like sunglasses, tacos, airplanes, beach balls, and ice cream sandwiches. I absolutely LOVE this puzzle!

All Good Things are Wild and Free (1000 Piece Puzzle)
I’ve done this summer puzzle multiple times and it’s just gorgeous. The plants, the tent, everything makes me just want to get outside and soak up the great outdoors!

Made for the Mountains PuzzleMade For the Mountains (1000 Piece Puzzle)
PuzzleFolk puzzles are new to me this year and I can’t get enough! They have such vibrant colors and summery scenes and they’re an absolutely delight.

Galison State Flowers (1000 Piece Puzzle)
I did this one two summer ago and it was such a beautiful puzzle – the flowers are stunning and I wish I owned this one (I borrowed it from a friend).

Rainbow Popsicles Galison Rainbow Popsicles (500 Piece Puzzle)
What is more summery than a popsicle? And puzzle is a delight with a whole rainbow lineup of melty popsicles!

Cool by the pool puzzleCool By The Pool (1000 Piece Puzzle)
This was my most recent summer puzzle and it was so fun! (I listened to The Reappearance of Rachel Price and You with a View while I worked on it). This one is extra fun because of the randomly cut pieces that makes it a little extra challenging.

Beachcombers PuzzleGalison Beachcombers Companion (1000 Piece Puzzle)
I did this puzzle last summer and it was one of my favorites! The shells are mostly single large pieces and then you work in the puzzle around them. I hadn’t done many puzzles like this and it was a fun change up!

Delicate Arch PuzzleDelicate Work of Arch (500 Piece Puzzle)

Spaghetti Tree designed the Halloween Calendar in 2023 and also makes TERRIFIC puzzles. This one is perfect for summer adventuring!

 Amusement Park PuzzleGalison Summer at the Amusement Park (500 Piece Puzzle)
This 500 piece puzzle just screams summer (despite the fact I’ve never been to Coney Island!). Plus, it’s a great quick pick with only 500 pieces instead of 1000.

Cavallini & Co National Parks (1000 Piece Puzzle)
I borrowed this one from a friend and it was SO FUN. I loved spotting the national parks we’ve visited along with ones I immediately had to put on my list!

Any other favorite summer puzzles? I’m all ears!

summer puzzles

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  1. I’m about 75% done with the National Parks puzzle and I’ve really enjoyed it! Same as you, I’ve loved seeing the sections for parks we’ve visited.
    After I finish puzzles, I donate them to the media center at the (high) school where I teach – there’s always a table in the middle of the library that has a jigsaw puzzle in process. The librarian says the kids finish puzzles so quickly they always love to have new ones.

    1. I was just thinking about a puzzle for the our lounge (elementary), but I love the idea of one in the library even more! Could offer an opportunity for different grade level teachers to interact with kiddos in a fun, relaxed way. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. i would love to see your set up on your back porch! it sounds lovely to be outside with a book and a puzzle.

  3. Love puzzles here but crazy cat tries to eat them! So also set up in our 3 season porch. Just tried a new one: Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Puzzle. Soo different has a 10 page murder mystery and requires 1000 piece puzzle to be completed (that you have no picture of) to see murder scene clues to use with the story interviews to solve the mystery. Nearly done with puzzle but still working on solving mystery!


    There are other related in this series too!

    Also our community library now has a leave a puzzle take a puzzle table.

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