15+ Games that are Perfect for Stocking Stuffers

I love to add a game or two to stockings – a card game, espeically, is just the right size to tuck into a stocking and it’s a fun activity for Christmas Day and the quiet days at home that often follow.

Here are more than 15 favorites!

15+ Great Games for Stockings 

spot it card game

Spot It
This one is a favorite – you can play with just a few people or a whole crowd and it’s quick and simple to pick up (in fact, one time we were on a double date with some friends and while we were waiting for our table, we walked down to a toy store that had this out and the four of us played several VERY competitive rounds. It’s truly fun for all ages).

Sushi Go

Sushi Go
I really started loving this game last year – it’s a small deck but does require a bit more time since you play three rounds so you’ll want a bit more time (perfect if you’ve got some time to burn!).

Cover Your Assets Game

Cover Your Assets
This is a great game for home or on the go –  I’ve played endless rounds with my girls while we waited for the car’s oil to get changed, every day on our Hawaii trip back in 2019 and at countless family reunions and friend trips. It’s fast paced and fun and everyone in our family can play it!

This visual game is so clever and beautiful and great for kids or adults alike! We’ve loved playing this one when we want something just a bit more low-key.


This is a classic and all you need is a scorecard and some dice! We’ve been playing this one for YEARS as a family, plus it’s a great way to practice a little bit of math. Yamslam is a similar idea although the box is a bit big for easily transporting.

dutch blitz

Dutch Blitz
This is basically the same as Wackee 6 or Nerts and it’s a fun speed game that can accommodate a lot of players! Just beware – it can get intense!

gnoming a round game

Gnomin’ Around
We took this one to Japan and my girls played it on the airplane (the nine cards BARELY fit on the seat back tray tables). This is probably my very favorite card game and we’ve played it on dozens of trips over the years – it always earns a spot in my backpack or purse!

monopoly deal

Monopoly Deal
My interest in playing regular Monopoly is zero (no time for that!) but this card version is super portable and way more fun. Tally and I played this over breakfast daily for weeks at the beginning of last school year and I never got tired of it.

quixx card game

We learned this over the summer with Bart’s family. We played it nonstop and I absolutely love it! (There is both a card version and a dice version – they’re pretty similar, so if you already own the dice version, it’s probably not worth buying the card version).

zeus on the loose

Zeus on the Loose
This was a new to us game on our Japan trip and we played it pretty much every day – the girls learned it the first morning while we were still getting ready and then we played a few rounds every morning and evening at our Airbnb – definitely a hit!


Bart and I have been playing speed scrabble together or with friends since the earliest days of our marriage and Bananagrams is an easy way to take it on the go in that that fun banana shaped zipper pouch!

crew card game

The Crew
I put this game in Bart’s stocking for Christmas last year and we’ve been playing it ever since. It’s kind of different than any game I’ve ever played – it’s a collaborative card game and there are 50 something rounds to play. Ella, Bart and I have been slowly working our way through the rounds – we’ve done about 15 so far. Each one gets progressively more challenging and it’s really fun to work together to win each one.

the bears and the bees

The Bears and the Bees
The Bears and the Bees is a simple but surprisingly fun game where you’re matching colors to make a giant beehive. It’s pretty quick and has a small deck, so it’s perfect for taking along with you or playing a quick game before dinner or bedtime. (Do I always accidentally call it “the birds and the bees”? Yes, I do). Also, it’s just so PRETTY.

SET game

I grew up playing this pattern spotting game and now my girls love to play it too. This is a great one for a group or just two people (in fact, Tally loves to play it on her own!).

sleeping queens

Sleeping QueensThis might be the single most popular game I’ve ever recommended. It’s fun for all ages, simple to learn, and includes a little number and simple math practice too. I’m pretty sure I’ve played one thousand rounds of this over the years

Any other favorite games to tuck in a stocking? I’d love to hear what’s been a hit with your family!

if you liked this post about our favorite Card games for stocking stuffers, you might also like these other posts:

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  1. I got our family (kids ages 8, 13, and 15) Cover Your Assets at your suggestion (in a previous post) and we LOVE it! Thank you for the great recommendation! I can’t wait to try some of these other games.

    (Also, have you see the Theory 11 Harry Potter playing cards? Great quality and so beautifully done!)

  2. We’ve been loving Five Crowns this year. Kind of a cross between Phase 10 and rummy (but with an extra suit), it’s just luck and the whole game is apprx 45 minutes.

  3. Great list! I 100% agree with Rat-a-tat-Cat! Also check out Age of War, no reading needed, uses special dice and small. Lots of strategy but easy to learn.

  4. I use Rat-a-Tat-Cat and Blink with my students. Quick easy games. They are motivated to complete their lessons for the chance to play one of these at the end of class.

  5. Left, right, center. It is tiny. The game fits in a pill bottle type canister. All ages of our family enjoy it, even grandparents and it is easy to learn and play.

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