5 Things That Make Savvy Learning Special

Our end of year sale for Savvy (both Reading and Math!) started today and goes through Monday night (use the code JANSSEN25 for $25 off every month of your subscription!).

It never stops thrilling me to see new learners starting because I know first hand how life-changing it’s been for thousands of children over the past several years.

I love the messages I get like these:

The most worth-it expense besides life needs. My little one has been in Savvy Reading and Math since September. She has already leveled up in math 2 times and reading once.

Well, it’s time for me to send my very own “Savvy is so great!” message! My 9yo started Savvy Math just before Thanksgiving, and already we’re seeing such growth and improvement. He had his mid-year diagnostic in Math today and met the end-of-year goal his teacher had set for him! He’s super smart, but had a not great math teacher last year and just sort of slipped behind–not horribly, but to the point that I worried he was heading into “I’m no good at math” territory. Savvy helped stave off that feeling, which I’m beyond grateful for. I’m capable of helping him with his fourth grade math, but I’d rather spend our time together doing other things–he LOVES Coach Anita and really enjoys his lessons. Can’t wait to see how the next several months go!

My son just came down after his Savvy class with Coach Diana and said, “I love being able to read. It’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened in my life.”

I know you love Savvy success stories so here goes ours . . . my darling foster daughter moved in with us this past February, halfway through 1st grade, and knew her letters and sounds, but couldn’t read a single word. We signed her up for Savvy in March (which she has loved and never complained about doing!) and I got a letter yesterday from the school saying her testing showed her reading at grade level! She loves reading and is excited that she CAN read, thanks to Savvy! I recommend it to everyone.

Truly, it’s one of the greatest thrills of my life to be part of helping so many children develop a love of learning and confidence in their ability to tackle hard things.

Here are five things that make Savvy so special:

  1. There is really no other high quality live tutoring available with this much learning time at this kind of price. For some people, Savvy feels expensive when they compare it to an app that’s a few dollars a month. But an app just can’t compare to a live coach that can adapt and adjust and connect with a learner and make sure that they’re moving at the right pace for them. And getting this much focused instruction is one of the reasons Savvy is so successful for so many learners – having four sessions a week gives them so much time to build those skills and having it in 25 minute sessions means that you have enough time to improve but it’s not so long that kids get worn out and start to lose interest. Hiring a tutor is usually both expensive and time-consuming to find one and I’m SO happy that Savvy is able to make that academic help available to many more families (and the sale price makes it even more affordable with a $25 discount that applies every single month).
  2. The consistency makes a HUGE difference. For the vast majority of children, they’re not going to pick up reading or math skills with a bit of practice here and there. It’s hard work to learn these foundational skills and it’s going to take time, in the same way that you wouldn’t go for a run once a month and expect to crush it at a marathon or practice piano every few weeks and plan to see much progress by the end of they year. The built-in consistency plus the amount of learning time of Savvy means those skills can continually build.
  3. You don’t have to leave the house. For me, this is critical. I don’t have the bandwidth or time to be driving my kids all over the place so the fact that I can make dinner while Star does Savvy Math or sit down at my desk to work while Tally does Savvy Reading is a HUGE benefit for me. I know many homeschool parents use Savvy as part of their day so they can work with one child individually while another child does Savvy.
  4. It teaches kids that they can do hard things. It’s so discouraging for a child who is struggling with math or reading and seeing their classmates seem to pick it up with ease. But when a child gets the help they need to learn those challenging skills and work through something hard, they develop a confidence in themselves that’s worth more than gold. We all want our kids to develop strong self-esteem and one of the very most effective ways to do that is by them doing hard things and carrying that confidence that they can do that again with them. Our second daughter struggled mightily to learn to read, but now that she’s put in the hard work with Savvy to become a really excellent reader, she knows without a doubt that she has the ability to do hard things in the future because she’s seen herself do it. That’s so much more powerful than any amount of us telling her that she can do hard things!
  5. It’s FUN! It’s wildly important to me that my children love to learn and the thing I love most about Savvy is that it makes learning enjoyable and engaging. I recently got this message from a parent who said, “My 9 year old just asked what day it is tomorrow and then was sad to be reminded it’ll be Friday. When I asked why, she said because there’s no Savvy on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.” I LOVE messages like that – it’s so much easier to learn and progress when you’re engaged and interested, and engagement-first learning is our biggest priority at Savvy. And it’s incredible for kids to discover firsthand that learning to read or do math can be FUN, even if they’ve struggled with it for years.

If you have a child who has struggled with math or reading, this is the best time to sign them up for Savvy – they can make so much progress by the end of the school year, instead of falling further behind and developing even more dislike for these foundational skills.

(And if you’re on the fence, you can do a trial class for $5 and then if it’s a good fit, use the JANSSEN25 discount code for $25 off your subscription!)

And if you have ANY questions about Savvy, I’m happy to help!

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  1. I recently listened to the most eye-opening 6 episode podcast on reading and want to recommend it to everyone. The podcast is called Sold a Story: How Teaching Kids to Read Went So Wrong from American Public Media. No matter whether you’re a parent, teacher, or have no connection to reading outside of learning yourself, this podcast is for you. It’s so compelling, informative, and shocking that I highly recommend it to everyone. https://features.apmreports.org/sold-a-story/

  2. YES!!! Very important and shocking podcast! I listened to this podcast before my son started kindergarten, and I’m so glad. It’s very controversial, so I doubt Jannsen wants to tackle this one. Every kindergarten teacher on the internet would jump down her throat. Our schools uses the useless reading instruction method too, and I can see the results…The middle school age children I work with at church struggle so much with reading. It’s so sad. I knew that we would have to teach our son how to read on our own. I have made a special effort with him at home, and I think he’ll be ok. I definitely can tell the instruction at school was not working, and I’m sort of correcting the cuing system.

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