6 Reasons Savvy Reading Might Be Right For Your Family

Curious about Savvy Reading? Here’s what you want to know about this real-time reading program for young readers. Plus, use the code JANSSEN25 for $25 off every month.

I’m pretty sure 2020 was a year NONE of us will forget, but in our home, one of the most memorable parts of 2020 was absolutely the launch of Savvy Reading.

It was the most incredible thing to see Savvy Reading go from an idea to a fully fledged program helping thousands of families all across the world.

(If you’re new to Savvy Reading, it’s a real-time reading coaching program for readers 3-14 with 25 minute online classes four days a week with a live coach. You can do individual classes or a small group with up to four readers).

I’ll never be able to thank you enough for trusting us from the very beginning when it was so new and unproven.

I can’t tell you how much I love getting notes like these:

I don’t know what magic your teachers are using but my daughter (7, 1st grade) was so reluctant to do Savvy and was so mad I signed her up for it. I told her to try it and if she doesn’t like it, we will stop. She had her first session with Ms. Courtney today and she cannot stop talking about how awesome it was! She cannot wait to go back tomorrow!!! A huge thank you to you and your awesome team!!

We have loved the program so far. J gets sad on the weekends when he doesn’t have class!

It has been a really great experience. As you know, the second born doesn’t get the quality time like the first born. Savvy Reading has been a lifesaver and my daughter has learned so much! She is loving it and looks forward to it every day.

I signed my daughter up for Savvy when it first launched and we couldn’t be happier with the program! I decided to homeschool my daughter this year due to COVID and our district being virtual. I wanted to supplement what we were learning at home with a reading program and Savvy has been the perfect fit! My daughter hated Zoom classes at the end of last year but has loved logging in for Savvy every morning. Her teacher is fantastic and keeps the class moving at the perfect pace. Such a great investment and we have seen our daughter’s reading skills and confidence take off since starting this program! can’t recommend it enough!

If you’ve been considering Savvy Reading for your child or children, here are 6 reasons it might be a good fit for your family:

  1. Your child is struggling with reading. It’s so heartbreaking to watch your child struggle with reading and it’s such a confidence breaker for them. If your child is falling behind or not making the progress they need to in order to stay at grade level, Savvy Reading is a great way to get them the help they need and get them to feel confident as a reader.
  2. Your child is ready to start learning to read but you don’t have the time or ability to teach them yourself. If you have a child who is showing interest in reading, you absolutely want to springboard off that innate enthusiasm! But many parents simply don’t have the bandwidth to take on the responsibility of teaching reading on their own. Or they don’t have the tools or training to do it. Savvy Reading to the rescue – it’s PERFECT for those readers who are just getting going, whether they’re starting to recognize letters and sounds or beginning to sound out simple words or learn sight words.
  3. You’re homeschooling and you want your child to have interaction with other children and adults. We have LOTS of homeschool readers enrolled in Savvy Reading and it’s perfect for adding structure to your homeschool day as well as letting your child interact with other children and/or their coach.
  4. Your child responds better to an adult that isn’t their parent. I asked about this on Instagram earlier this year and 90% of parents said they child works better with a different adult. We had this exact experience with our second daughter who resisted reading practice with me or would quickly get frustrated and want to give up. But when she started working with a reading coach, she would be fully engaged and participate for all 25 minutes and started making SO much progress. All without the battle of wills between the two of us. If you don’t want to make reading a battle that undermines your relationship with your child, Savvy Reading is much less stressful for both children and parents.
  5. You struggle with consistency working with your child on your own and need a built in program that makes it easy for your child to get the daily practice they need. In a perfect world, we’d never struggle to fit in time to practice reading with our children. In reality, it’s HARD to be consistent, even if reading is a big priority for you! Savvy Reading makes it so simple to get that 25 minutes of practice in. I’m personally SO grateful that both Star and Ani have that built-in practice with Savvy Reading four days a week, so that anything I do with them is extra, instead of the bare minimum.
  6. Your child CAN read but doesn’t like to read. One of the best parts about Savvy Reading is that it’s FUN. We’ve worked so hard to make it engaging, interactive and enjoyable and hearing from parents that their child is choosing to read on their own for the first time EVER is one of the best payoffs for all the work we’ve put into Savvy Reading.

It’s been truly amazing to see how many readers (my own included) have benefit tremendously from Savvy Reading so far.

If any of those six reasons sound like your child or your family, I highly encourage you to give Savvy Reading a try.

If you have questions about Savvy Reading, leave a comment or send me an email and I’m happy to answer!

Photos by Heather Mildenstein

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  1. What equipment and or books/ readings materials are needed? Can you break down how a class is guided?
    Thank you

  2. My son just finished 7th grade. He can read fine he just can’t remember what he read. He hasn’t been able to get excited about reading any books and constantly have to push him to read. Would your program help him with these issues?

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