
Raiding My Sister’s Closet: Transitioning to Fall

For the last six years or so, my mom has rotated through taking each of us three girls on a one-on-one trip.

In 2012, we went to Portland and last February, she and I went to Seattle for a few days.

I love those trips and they’ve been a highlight for me, but this year we decided that we’d do a trip with all four of us together.

Because Landen is pregnant with twins and in her third trimester, she couldn’t travel very far, so we opted to go to her in Utah.

My girls were on fall break, so instead of me just flying up to Salt Lake for a couple of days, we all drove up and spent a week with Bart’s family and then I snuck off for two days.

It was so fun being all together and we had a great time staying at the Little America downtown, trying new restaurants, checking out the insane foilage, almost dying when I did BBG with Merrick one morning, seeing The Heart of Robin Hood (so good!) and finishing with a surprise baby shower for Landen at my grandparents’ home.

It was also kind of a shock to go up to Utah and remember that other places have seasons.

My jackets, which have been quietly collecting dust in my closet for the last eight months, got a lot of use, and I actually got to wear sweaters. It was thrilling.

white sweater

And then, my neighbor texted me and asked if I wanted her to turn on our air conditioner before we got home, and I used my frozen fingers to look up the Arizona weather on my phone and got a shock when I realized it was going to be 98 degrees when we got home.

So my sweaters, including this white sweater I snagged on thredUP a few weeks ago, might be going back into hibernation for another month or more. I hope they enjoyed their little outing.

white sweater
white sweater
white sweater
white sweater
white sweater
Hop over and check out Merrick and Landen’s fall outfits:


Photos by Christie Knight Photography

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  1. Cute outfit! I love buying sweaters on ThredUp because good ones are usually pricey new but this way I can get higher quality for less money, like all of ThredUp but sweaters are usually more expensive to start with than t-shirts! And what did you think of Reading People?? (I liked it a lot, now I want everyone I know, mainly my husband, to type themselves for me…which is unlikely.)

  2. I want to know what you think of Reading People, as well, and whether it’s worth reading. We get less fall than most places, with a 90 degree day on Saturday, and 47 degrees Monday morning at the bus stop, it’s very sporadic, making clothing everybody appropriately a pain in the neck!

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