HOT DEAL: My All-Time Favorite Sunglasses on Massive Sale
If you’ve watched any of my Instagram stories for the past year and a half, guaranteed you’ve seen me wearing these sunglasses.
I got them last summer and I’ve given up every other single pair of sunglasses I own. I wear them running, to the lake or beach, on vacation, and every single time I go outside.
Even with hours of wearing them, they don’t give me a headache or pinch the sides of my head, they stay in place while I run or go in the pool, and they’re basically just magical sunglasses.
Also, they look really green in the photos, but on your face they don’t read that way.
They’re normally $108 (that’s the price they sell for on the TOMS website), but for the next couple of days – or until they sell out – they’re only $37.99.
I’ve NEVER seen them even remotely close to this price.
If you’re in the market for a new pair of sunglasses, I can’t rave enough about these!