A Few of My Goals for 2024

Happy 2024!

I can hardly believe we’re here into a new year.

2023 was a banner year for our family and while I basically flunked out on all my 2023 goals (aside from consistently eat a real lunch!), I feel like it was a hugely successful year both personally and as a family.

And now I’m so excited for 2024 and all the good things ahead!

Here are a few of my goals for this year:

goals for 2024

A Few of My Goals for 2024

  1. Figure out travel hacking. I’m not convinced that I want to get really into travel hacking (using credit card points for free flights and hotels), but I’m not convinced I DON’T want to. So this is the year for me to deep dive into it enough to decide if it’s worth my time and energy. I’m actually VERY excited about this goal.
  2. Host more post-church hang outs. Back in January of 2023, we invited some friends over after church to hang out for a few hours. We had a few snacks (banana bread, leftover Christmas candy, veggies and dip) and the adults chatted while the kids played. It’s so low-key, low-stress and a great time get to know people better or strengthen existing friendships. We’ve done maybe four or five in the past year and I’d like to do even more in 2024!
  3. Run 5 miles. 2023 was my year to finally get a handle on running and I consistently run 2-3 miles several times a week. This year, I’d like to push myself a little to do a 5 mile run at least a couple of times (I recognize this is nothing to any sort of reasonable runner, but it’s still a big deal to me!).
  4. Ride my bike to the library. This is a totally just-for-fun goal for me. We don’t live SUPER far from our local library but far enough that I’ve never in 5 years of living here ever ridden my bike there. This is the year!
  5. Catch up on my old Christmas videos. I’ve made Christmas videos for two of the past Christmases but I have footage from many other years that I’ve never made into videos. This is the year to make that happen! Details about how I make my family videos here.
  6. Daily Flecks of Gold journaling. This journal is a three year journal with a few lines every day to record special or funny moments with your kids (or just your life). I just got a new one and I’m so excited to start using it. I was a FAITHFUL journaler until I went to collage and I’d love to get back in the habit. (P.S. My Flecks of Gold code is EVERYDAYREADING).
  7. Get outside every day in January. I did this last year and it made winter SO MUCH better for me! It’s especially fun when Bart and I do it together and get both some fresh air and some time to chat as we walk a few miles together.
  8. Paint Ani’s room. Ani moved into her own room this summer and we’ve been slowly updating it with new bedding, a desk and chair, and now it’s time to paint. (Is it going to be another blue room? Yes). I can’t wait!
  9. Stay more ahead on my blog. This is one of those goals people hate because it’s not measurable, but one of my big areas of focus for work this year is to work more ahead, especially on bigger projects like the Summer Reading Guide so it’s not so stressful when I’m hustling to get those finished at the last minute!

What goals or resolutions are on your list for 2024? I’d love to hear!

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One Comment

  1. 1. Create a culture of reading in my home for me and my nephews and niece when they come visit.

    2. Buy a comfy butt pad and lessons for roller skating.

    3. Study the Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon weekly lessons.

    4. Lift weights, stretch, and move indoors and outdoors.

    5. Cook plant-based meals weekly, eat more fruits and veggies daily, make green smoothies daily if not, weekly.

    6. Study how-to-knit videos and books. Knit socks, baby chicks, and sweaters.

    7. Clean / Tidy my home for time; at least 5 minutes for busy days and at least 15 minutes for non-busy days.

    8. Practice self-compassion breaks or meditations everyday.

    9. Interview my mom via Zoom (recorded) weekly and then type it up into a book (Storyworth).

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