Girl Talk: Episode 12
Ani: Santa came and visited us today, but I know he isn’t the real Santa.
Ella: How do you know?
Ani: Because he said I’m on the nice list.
At the Rec Center, I’m sitting on a bench, putting on the girls’ shoes after swimming. A 20-something guy sits down a few feet away to put on his shoes.
Star: That guy has cool shoes.
Tally: That guy is big and chubby.
Janssen: That guy DOES have cool shoes.
Tally: [bellows] NO! I said that guy was BIG AND CHUBBY.
At dinner, discussing everyone’s ages and grades
Ella: I’m so sad that when Tally goes to kindergarten, I won’t be in elementary school anymore.
Ani: It’s fine. She won’t be that cute anymore.
Snuggling Tally
Janssen: Do I love you?
Tally: Yes.
Janssen: Will I always love you?
Tally: Yes.
Janssen: Because mommies always love . . .
Tally: Ugly babies.
Ani showing off her new shoes to our babysitter
Babysitter: Oh, are those TOMS?
Ani: No, they are mine.
Watching a movie as a family, when something very surprising happens in the plot
Ani: If that happened to me, I’d be wanting some EXPLAINTS.
I wake up from a nap to find Tally standing right next to the bed, staring at me
Tally: Am I a porcine wonder?
Talking over dinner about possible trips
Ani: I think we should go to Hawaii again. I mean, we already all have hats!
After church
Ella: Are you ready to play school?
Star: I don’t think I’m going to.
Ella: You pinky promised you would play when we got home!
Star: Well, a pinky promise DOES last for a long time. . . . and church was a lonnnng time.
Previous Girl Talk Episodes here if you need a few more laughs to get you through Friday the 13th.
Haha, these are brilliant!
The things my son has said over the years are recorded in his own section of my blog … under the original tag of Things He Says.
As Mercy Watson’s biggest fan, the porcine wonder question is my favorite!!
Your girls are SO adorable! I love these! 🙂
P.S. You inspired me to keep track of the things my girls say. I keep a running Word document with the funny ones, and sometimes I e-mail the recent quotes to the grandparents.
These are hilarious and adorable!!!
Oh these are too funny! Thank you for the laughs!
Hahah so cute! Is Ani your pretty literal child? Love seeing their personalities through these. And I totally remember when you got them all hats for Hawaii!
These are the greatest! Thanks for sharing! 🙂