Fourth of July French Sodas

french soda

The first time I ever had a French soda was at a Borders Books cafe (RIP) and I thought it was basically the best thing I’d ever drunk.

18+ years later, they are still one of my favorites.

This Fourth of July version is super easy and festive (and check out the bottom of the post for a couple of fun variations).

french soda

what you’ll need for french sodas

  • Blueberries
  • Sparkling Water
  • Flavored Syrup in red (I used Torani Raspberry; you can buy it at World Market or Sam’s Club or a bunch of grocery stores)
  • Half-and-half or whipping cream
  • Ice Cube Tray

Pack the ice cube trays tightly with blueberries and then pour sparkling water over them until full. Freeze until solid (mine took about three hours).

french soda

Put three or four ice cubes in each glass then fill 3/4 full with sparkling water.

french soda

Add a few squirts of flavored syrup to taste and then pour in 2-3 Tablespoons of half-and-half or cream. Serve immediately.

french soda

french soda variations

  • If you want to set your glasses out beforehand and don’t want your ice to melt, just layer the blueberries in the bottom of the glass and skip freezing them into ice cubes. Just make sure your sparkling water is cold so you’re not drinking lukewarm soda. Yuck.
  • Combine strawberries and blueberries (or other fruits of your choice) in the ice cubes for additional color and flavor.
  • Go monochrome and use strawberries or cherries or raspberries with your red syrup.
  • Instead of the half-and-half or cream, top with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a fruity float.
  • Add a few pumps of Almond Roca syrup to your soda. I love raspberry and almond together.


french soda

if you liked this fourth of july french soda post, you might also like these other posts:


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    1. Everything I've read says an Italian soda is sparkling water and syrup, while a French soda has the addition of cream or milk.

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