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4 Books I’m Currently Reading (+ My Team’s Picks)

I can’t believe summer is halfway over!

It’s been a whirlwind of mornings at swim team, days on the lake, trips to the water park, family reunions, and endless games of front yard spikeball – it’s going too fast!

Here are some of the books I’ve been reading lately!

The Happy Life of Isadora Bentley by Courtney Walsh
I’ve been listening to this story about a reclusive university researcher who has given up on love (and basically all relationships) on my runs recently and it’s a nice distraction from the miles I’m pounding out. The heroine is Isadora who finds a magazine article with 31 ways to be happy and decides she’s going to prove the author wrong – she’ll do all 31 things and there is no way she’ll be happier at the end. Right? This is a squeaky-clean love story with a STEM storyline and it’s a fun, fluffy delight.

Exile: Keeper of the Lost Cities Book 2 by Shannon Messenger
My two big girls have read this entire series and LOVED it and convinced Bart AND the two younger girls to read it this summer. With them all talking about it non-stop, I couldn’t let myself be left out of the fun! I listened to the first one and now I’m listening to the second one. For me, it’s no Harry Potter but it’s been a fun adventure so far and my girls love listening along with me while we drive to and from swim practice (even though they’ve all listened to book 2 already!).


All You Have to Do by Autumn Allen
This book comes out in a few months and so far, I’m completely absorbed by it. There are two central characters – two young Black men, both attending prestigious schools where they are very much in the minority. Kevin is at Columbia in early 1968 right after Martin Luther King, Jr’s assassination, while Gibran (Kevin’s nephew) is at a New England prep school decades later in 1995 as the Million Man March makes headlines. Put this one on your TBR list!


Remodelista: The Organized Home by Julie Carlson and Margot Guralnick
After blowing through Minimalista a few weeks ago, I’ve been on a home decor/organization book kick and this one is readable and jammed with gorgeous photos – just what I love! If you need a little inspiration around your house, grab a copy of this one!



And here’s what the other members on the Everyday Reading team is reading right now!


where the forest meets the stars book Where the Forest Meets the Stars by Glendy Vanderah
I saw this recommendation on Instagram from someone I don’t even follow, but it sounded really interesting so I immediately added it to my TBR list. Joe is currently doing her graduate research on birds in rural Illinois and is enjoying her isolation after losing her mother and battling with her own breast cancer. Her wanted loneliness doesn’t last for long though, when a little 9-year old girl shows up on porch. The girl is covered in bruises and claims she isn’t from around there, but instead she came from the stars and needs to witness five miracles before returning to her home. This is just the book I needed for some summer reading.


Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams
I picked this book up after Janssen had mentioned it on Instagram. It’s a fun light summer read. I started it while we were on a little Memorial Day Weekend getaway, but the book expired on my Libby app before I was able to finish it. My hold came up again and I’m just about done with this fun story between quiet, but seemingly happy flower shop owner Annie Walker and the dangerous yet sexy bodyguard Will. Will agrees to be Annie’s “dating coach” to help her get over her fear and awkwardness on first dates. Problem is they start to develop feelings for each other that go beyond just dating practice.



Anxious People by Fredrik Backman
I always like to have an audiobook to listen to while doing mundane tasks like washing dishes or pulling weeds. This one popped up on my Scribd app as a recommended title and as I started listening to it, it drew me right in. When a bank robbery doesn’t go as planned, the bank robber, in an attempt to hide from the police, ends up at an open house for an apartment unit (prospective buyers and a realtor included). Let’s just say this bank robbery turns into a hostage situation unlike any you have ever heard! I have never laughed so much while pulling weeds. 



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