Book Deals to Start Off October

Happy October!

I can hardly believe it’s really here – it feels like the year has just raced past.

I’ve been reading up a storm the last few days and it just seems like the perfect way to welcome in the fall.

The Secrets of Happy Families by Bruce Fieler – audiobook $4.99
This is one of my favorite parenting books, and it was part of the Everyday Reading Book Club last year! This is such a great book about making the most your time together. (Full review here)

The Marriage Bureau by Penrose Halson – audiobook $4.99
I’ve been meaning to read this for seriously four years. Now, when it’s on such a huge sale, it’s definitely the time to listen to it.

Monster Trouble by Lane Fredrickson, illustrated by Michael Robertson – hardcover
This hardcover picture book is currently nearly half off so it’s a perfect addition to your Halloween collection! Winifred Schnitzel isn’t a bit scared of monsters. But that doesn’t mean she wants them sneaking in every night – she needs her beauty rest! She tries all sorts of things to disuade this pack of monsters from disrupting her sleep and nothing seems to work. Until she discovers what scares monsters the most.

The Good, The Bad and the Spooky by John Jory – audiobook
You probably already know the Bad Seed from his previous literary appearances, but you can’t see no to a Halloween version. In this one, the Bad Seed is anxiously looking forward to Halloween, which is his favorite holiday. But finding the right costume is turning out to be very difficult. So no one is going to get to trick-or-treat until he finds just the perfect getup. This is a fun inexpensive audiobook! 


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