An Easy Book Tracking Pennant Banner

book tracking banner
book tracking banner

This post is sponsored by Duck Tape

In our first house in Durham, I made this bookworm for the playroom wall to keep track of the books I read with Ella.

Once we moved to this house last summer, I kept considering making another one, but it wasn’t really the look I was going for anymore and also, it was just a big hassle to keep pulling out the plate and making one circle at a time.

So a year passed and we read a bunch of books together, and I didn’t document them very well.

Then, a few weeks ago, Bart hung these book ledges for me in my office, and I thought they could use a little decoration.

I’ve always liked the look of a pennant banner (I know, me and the rest of the Pinterest universe), and I thought it’d be a simple way to easily mark down the books we read over the course of this school year.

book tracking banner

This was a super easy and enjoyable little project – it’d been a long time since I pulled out my craft supplies and it was such a nice hour working on my office floor with the girls making their own paper and Duck Tape creations next to me.

And when I hung it up on the shelf, it looked even better than I’d imagined (which, sadly, is not usually the case with my projects).

If you want to make your own, see below!

book tracking banner

how to make a book tracking banner

  • Duck Tape washi tape in assorted colors and patterns (I bought mine at Walmart)
  • Card stock
  • Scissors
  • Paper cutter (optional, but. . . I love mine like a fourth child)
  • Cord or twine
  • Glue Gun
  • Pen
Cut your card stock into triangles (for reference, mine are 3.5″ along the top and 4.25″ from the top center to the bottom point).
book tracking banner


Tape a line of Duck Tape along the two long sides of the triangle, trimming the extra tape with scissors.
book tracking banner


book tracking banner

Arrange in the pattern of your choice, then glue the cord along the back, leaving a little extra on the ends to hang it.

Write the titles of the books on each pennant (I wrote mine along one edge, but you could do them bigger in the middle or on the back, depending on the look you’re going for and how much you like your handwriting), then hang up, taping or tacking the cord on each side.
book tracking banner
book tracking banner


book tracking banner

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  1. This is so fun! I've actually been wanting to make something like this for Jay's room when we finish it in the next little bit.

  2. This is precious! I am a classroom teacher and thinking how I could incorporate something like this into my classroom! Thanks for sharing!

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