A Happy New Year

Yesterday afternoon, after church and lunch and quiet time, Ani and I were downstairs in the new house, and she came up to me and threw her arms around my knees.

“Need to snuggle on the couch,” she told me. (Although you’d probably need to live with her to recognize that this is what she was saying).

I picked her up and showed her the living room. “We don’t have a couch. There’s no where to sit.”

After a long pause as she looked around the bare room, she responded, “I just need some love.”

We sat on the floor of the living room and cuddled for a few minutes (not the most comfortable thing in the world when you’re 8 months pregnant), and I thought, “I feel exactly the same way.”

It seems like everyone is making big plans for the New Year, and I’m feeling like I just need to snuggle on the couch, except we don’t have a couch yet or any kitchen chairs to go with our fancy new Goodwill kitchen table (we just ordered these ones over the weekend, so hopefully our days of eating all meals sitting on the floor will come to an end in the next few days).

Right now I’m tired and worn-out from moving, struggling to sleep (hello, pregnancy insomnia) and overwhelmed by how much there is to do after being away for 8 months.

Also, our total food supply includes a bag of frozen blueberries, peanut butter, and some milk.

I’d invite you over for dinner, but I’m guessing you don’t want to sit on the kitchen floor, plus you’d basically be eating plain blueberries. Of course, if weight loss is on your 2015 goal list, it actually might be a great dinner. You won’t have to worry about overeating and you certainly won’t have to worry about whether or not I’m going to offer dessert afterward.

Probably, my New Year’s resolution should be to go grocery shopping.

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  1. Happy New Year in your new home! Psst, to anybody living near Janssen, Invite them to dinner and let them snuggle on your couch! And at least you know where the grocery store is!

  2. Ugh. I can hear the fed up in this, and I totally sympathize. We came THIS CLOSE to moving cross-country when I was about eight months pregnant, and while in some ways I wish we had (mostly because then we'd be closer to my family), I was very thankful we didn't. Eight months pregnant is debilitating, and moving is physically exhausting. Bad combination.

    And I would totally be guilt-tripping my husband into stopping at the store for me to fulfill the list I gave him. Which is actually what I do now, so that has nothing to do with being pregnant.

    I hope things improve, both in your kitchen and general well-being, soon.

  3. Thanks for sharing. I think it makes the rest of us feel better to know that in the world of perfection and ridiculously long to- do lists that just snuggling is an option. I forget to do that sometimes. So thanks for the reminder. And as always your sense of humor in the middle of a not stellar situation makes me laugh. You're the best!

  4. It's funny… I was just thinking about your past New Year's posts with some goals that you shared and how much I enjoyed them. I think I like this one more, though. You poor thing- get some rest! Can't wait to see sweet girl #3!

  5. You poor thing! I would totally donate our couches to you, a long with the toddler bed and pretty much all our furniture if I actually knew when we would be leaving here! Hopefully you can get some rest over the next couple weeks before your baby gets here!

  6. Oh man, I totally understand that burnt out feeling after a long trip. It'll get better, but in the meanwhile, I'm sending you lots of virtual good vibes.

  7. I wish I lived nearby so I could just bring you some groceries! Ani is right though, we all just need some love. You've all been through a crazy fun, crazy exhausting half year. Time to rest! (Until that newborn keeps you up, that is.)

  8. I soooo feel this. Moving is exhausting. Moving internationally is even more exhausting. Moving often is a logistical nightmare. And as it turns out, pregnancy is also exhausting. And having a pregnancy in more than one country is even more exhausting AND a logistical nightmare. Whew. That's a lot you've got going on! Hang in there and eat some ice cream. That fixes most problems, right? And just be glad you live in a country where there IS ice cream. Would that we all were so lucky. 😉

  9. I'm glad you mentioned about having to live her with to know what she's saying. 🙂 Sometimes when I hear about these quotes by toddlers, I think, "What is wrong with my child that she's not speaking in full, easy-to-understand sentences?!" If I really think about it, I can understand a lot of my toddler's phrases when others would probably have no idea.

  10. Oh man, my resolution at 8 months pregnant was always to do nothing. It's exhausting! Hope you have plenty of food now 🙂

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