10 Reasons to be Delighted Today
1) We went to the gym this morning – no guilt! Hooray! (No sleep either. Not hooray).
2) We’re ordering lunch at the office (we’re ordering Mexican food and yet, I feel a strange desire to order their chicken strips and fries. . .I’m really five years old, I’m afraid). (Also, good thing I went to the gym).
3) I’m wearing my favorite jeans. For me, this is always cause for celebration. I clearly need to get out more. (But they are SO cute).
4) Tomorrow, we’re going to a Halloween dinner, and it will be fantastic. And there will be no pressure to dress up because I’m an adult; it rocks to be a grown-up.
5) My hair? Is not hideous today. This is also cause for celebration.
6) I have successfully met my goal of reading 52 books this year, and now I’m working on 53 and 54. And I have several book posts to write, I see.
7) Mint hot chocolate. . .right now.
8) This new spiffy water cooler at work which not only has lukewarm water (yummy! vomit) but also cold cold water for drinking and hot hot water for making hot chocolate. Life is fabulous.
9) Our Boston trip is coming up SOON!
10) It’s my dad’s birthday today! Happy Birthday, Dad!
My dad took me to this supposedly amazing Mexican restaurant the other day. The thing had hadn’t noticed because he was so enraptured by the seafood enchiladas is that the place is ALSO a barbecue joint. So I got bbq pulled pork sandwich. And he was kind of horrified because WHY would I get bbq when I could get MEXICAN food??
My sandwich was totally awesome and I didn’t feel bad for one second.
Do what your heart tells you. (my heart really likes chicken strips)
I am stunned by your 52 books in a year, mostly because my 4 books/month was a lost cause after month numero uno. How do you do it? Is it the reading during your lunch hour thing?
Who would ever in their life would need lukewarm water from a water cooler?! Thanks for reminding me to look for the good things in every day (especially this crazy week).
Oops, sorry for the repeat of the word “would” in my previous comment. I hate grammar mistakes, so I just had to comment on my comment to make sure everyone knows that I don’t think that the above is a correct sentence!
you are so funny. I think that all my jeans would be my favorites if I had your cute little body. How could you choose!
When is your Boston trip? You might never again get to truthfully sing with the Veggie Tales, “And we’ve never been to Boston in the fall.” The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything is one of their biggest hits.
Janssen, I absolutely love your blog!!! I’m so impressed you write everyday about the most creative things! I love reading them.
I’m truly impressed with your book reading. Will and I have both been reading a ton lately. With him being out of school and me being home we finally have time. It’s so much more fun to read together on the couch than to watch TV on the couch. I think we will follow suit and start keeping track of how many books we read. Pass on the titles of the particularly good ones.