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Annnnnnd. . . .the GRE is over. Hooray! Thanks for all the good wishes.

I feel like I can finally return to regular life. Last night we went over to some friends’ house and they lent me David McCullough’s John Adams. It was such a pleasure to sit down this morning and read for a while. I’ve missed that; I hate feeling so pressured that I can’t do anything just because I want to. I’m excited to return to more serious exercising (lately I’ve only been doing what I can do while going through my flash cards, which mostly was the stationary bike).

Tonight we’re going over to have dinner/games with some friends. I’m glad to be back in the social mode. The last few months have been a bit scarce. We’ve been less outgoing and less likely to call up people we don’t know as well or make plans. I don’t like that; I need to be out doing things to feel like I’m living.

Oh, and I did quite well. Not a perfect score (ha!) but hopefully plenty well to get into the school of my choice. We shall see.

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  1. I am so jealous…my studying begins today and I’m not taking it until the end of August. Read: my life just ended.

    Congrats on the score!

  2. Congratulations! Enjoy your freedom to get back to exercising and socializing and reading.

    I don’t have my notes with me to write up a quick review on “Gathering Blue” so thought I’d just pop over here and leave a few thoughts.

    I liked Gathering Blue (and Messenger) just as much as The Giver. What I found interesting was the way in each book someone had to make a sacrifice. In the Giver, the main character had to sacrifice by leaving his community so that they could learn to stand on their own — to learn how to experience things for themselves again. In Gathering Blue, the main character had to sacrifice by staying with the community. And in Messenger … well, I don’t want to spoil the surprise! Just have a box of tissues handy. I encourage you to read the two companions to The Giver. They are truly awesome stories.

  3. Glad the GRE is over and life more enjoyable once again. I hate to think of you worrying about it too much and know it is a big relief. You’ll have to let me know how you like John Adams. I started 1776 a while ago, but haven’t gotten back to it, though I’d like to. Too much merit badge stuff going on. Have a great, relaxed, enjoyable week!

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