
Weeks 19 – 21

Clearly I missed a week in here. But it was super rainy and dark the day I should have taken the 20 week photo, and our power went out for two hours after church. So I’m just going to give myself a pass here.

And if this child complains about it someday, I’ll just tell her that I
didn’t even start taking pictures of my pregnancy with Ella until 26
weeks (and that first 26 week photo was horrendous).

[Shirt: Borrowed from Landen, Skirt: From 2005, Shoes: Payless]


[Dress: Old Navy, Sweater: Old Navy, Belt: Target, Shoes: Payless]

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  1. I think I come about as close to hating you and Merrick without ACTUALLY hating you but merely envying your adorable pregnancies. You two are the cutest — truly.

  2. I have to second Grace Marie's notion. I love your adorable pictures but am struggling to find any belly there! Did you have to wear maternity clothes with Ella?

  3. I'm still slightly devastated that those red Payless wedges didn't fit me. Bah.

    You are fiiiinally maaaaybe looking a tiiiiny bit pregnant at 21 weeks. I'd hate you if I didn't love your guts.

  4. You look so lovely! I am especially loving that pretty yellow striped number. Pregnancy (but anytime, really!) definitely agrees with you.

  5. You're so adorable! Also, your clothes are adorable. I live in yoga pants while I'm pregnant. (In fact, when I'm pregnant I try to take my weekly pictures on Sundays after church because I know I'll at least be in something nice.)

  6. I saw that yellow dress on you at church and meant to tell you how cute it was. And it's fun and summery too!

  7. You look adorable in that yellow stripey number. The red shoes really make the outfit – way to shine!

  8. I love that first black and white skirt! You look adorable and happy. I anxiously await more shots as you grow.

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