Wednesday Night is the new Thursday Night
Despite the general blahness of the last few days, yesterday was phenomenal because I found out that Shannon Hale, author of some of my favorite “read in 2007” books is coming to the Texas Book Festival in November. Right here in Austin! I am so jazzed! Both my mom and my mother-in-law are talking about coming down for it, which would be the greatest thing I could imagine.
Speaking of Shannon Hale, it is imperative that you read this entry from her official blog, where she talks about meeting Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson. Complete with pictures! Anything that involves Dave Barry is worth reading. And the pictures are so dang funny, I can’t keep from laughing when I look at them.
Also, after I got back from the gym, Bart and I watched some YouTube videos starring Horatio Hornblower. And that cheered me right up.
I’m going to see Shannon Hale tomorrow! She’s doing a book signing or something for her new book, “Austenland” (yes, I know it should be underlined) and my mom and I are definitely stopping by. Fun times, eh?