One Month

Darling Ella,

The day after you were born, your dad and I opted (as we had the night before) to send you to the nursery for the night so that we could get some sleep. The evening before, I was so exhausted from delivery that I was asleep before they took you away, but that night, I was wide awake when you left, and I lay in bed feeling ridiculously sad that you were gone. Half of me felt desolate, half of me laughing at myself because I could not believe I felt this way.

I never really have felt like I was much of a baby person. I mean, I like babies and all, but I was never anxious to hold someone else’s baby or have even really felt particularly baby hungry.

What I am, though, is an Ella person. I love you so much more than I expected to.

I can’t believe that, when you wake up in the middle of the night, I’m actually happy to see your little face with those big eyes staring up at me.


I am so surprised that it doesn’t feel like a burden when I have to leave a social event to go feed you for 30 minutes or when I eat a hamburger one handed at a BBQ because I’m rocking you with the other.

What surprises me the most, though, is that I still feel just like me. I really was worried that it would fundamentally change me, somehow, to have a baby and that I’d feel like a stranger to myself. I don’t; I’m still me. I just have you now.

I’m so glad you’re here.


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  1. I'm so glad you feel that way, cause I feel the same and I wish every mom felt the same. I still feel like me, just with a baby.

    Can't wait to see you next weekend!

  2. Thank you. I sometimes wonder if I want to have a kid because I have the feelings you describe. This, besides being so adorable and lovely, makes me feel that if I do choose to want to have a baby, I can do so and still remain me..

    and Enna really is cute! And I bet you two are wonderful parents.

  3. I like how you phrased that– the part about still being you, but with a baby. That's how I hope to feel. I hope to be able to write a similar letter in a few months… thank you!

  4. What a great way to describe that feeling of motherhood. I am not a kid/baby person. I just like MY kids.

  5. Ok. That was so tender. Thank you for sharing.

    I wish that we lived closer because I think we think a lot alike. I'm not sure that made sense…


  6. Great post, Janssen. After having my 3 kids I think I felt more 'me' that I ever had. It just felt so right. I totally, hopelessly fell love with each of them.

    Our kids fit into our lives and didn't change what we did. We just learned to do things with kids in tow.

    Glad to see you're loving being a mom.

  7. i never knew what the term "labor of love" meant until I became a mommy. It is awesome.

    BTW things got crazy here the past few weeks. You will get your stuff!

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