On the First Day

Last night was the first night of ALA. The exhibits opened at 5:30 and, oh. my. There were hot h’orderves, cases of soda, hot popcorn, candy bars galore, champagne . . .

Oh, and books. Lots and lots of books.

I know it looks like I grabbed everything in sight, but really I was quite discerning. I am so excited to go back tomorrow. Frankly, the excitement might kill me.

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  1. OMG, is this like the best haul ever or what! I'm so jealous, but congrats on getting your hands on all of these! 🙂

  2. It was fun to see all the books you came away with. I was particularly interested in The Time Pirates by Ted Bell. I presume it is the sequel to Nick of Time, which Andrew and I finished reading out loud. And I hope you are going to review these as you read them. Andrew has informed me that fantasy is by far the best genre, and we are looking for some new good ones.

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