Every Time Someone Doesn’t DeLurk, A Fairy Dies
Apparently it’s delurking day across the blogosphere. So, are you reading? Are you going to tell me about it? Please do! I’d love a comment from every person who reads.
And here’s what you can say in your comment, because I know I always feel a little dumb leaving a comment that in essence says “I’m alive! And I can read! And type! Yippee!” Tell me two books you really love. They don’t have to be your FAVORITE books (how can one really even choose a favorite book?) but just two that you think are pretty awesome for any reason.
Here are two books I absolutely love:
1) It’s Not About the Bike by Lance Armstrong
2) Beauty by Robin McKinley.
Wouldn’t it be so cool if a book post got more comments than a shoe post?
I bought several books this last month with the intention of reading them, but I’ve only read one: You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. It’s great! Next on my “stack” is Kiterunner, I’ll let you know about that one.
Even picking two is going to be really hard! At least you are not trying to make me pick my favorite – that would be impossible!
1) The Time Traveler’s Wife
2) The Fountainhead
I loved:
Atul Gawande’s “Better” and “Complications”
eat pray love
Well, you know I’m not a lurker since we chat online nearly every day 🙂 But two of my favorite books of all time are:
1. The Hiding Place
2. Harry Potter (the entire series as one…)
I’m currently reading Wuthering Heights and The Tale of Genji, and I have no complaints.
I’m gonna say….
Why Do I Love These People by Po Bronson and Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo.
Both totally different, yet both quite awesome. 🙂
1-Miracle Life of Edgar Mint, by Brady Udall
2-Enchantment, by Orson Scott Card
1- Tuesdays with Morrie
2- The Life of Pi
Hi Janssen,
Okay, I must admit that I’ve been reading your blog. You probably don’t remember me, but I lived in Alta the summer that you and Bart lived there, right before you got married. Sabrina, Whitney, and Noelle were my roommates (I found your blog through Noelle’s). I totally identify with so many things you say, so I keep coming back to read what you’ve been writing!
It would be impossible for me to choose two favorite books, but two that I really like are East of Eden and The Secret Life of Bees.
PS: It’s only fair that you get to read my blog if I’m spying on yours. Mine’s invite only, so if you have any interest, you can let Noelle know and I’ll send an invite to you.
With so many great ones, it is difficult to choose only two!
1) The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
2) The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Good post! I’d have to say “Rebecca” and “The picture of Dorian Gray.”
You already know how much I love Harry Potter series, Twilight series and all those other great books, so I figured I’d pick some more obscure ones.
True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
Oooh tough question. I love so many books…
1. What Dreams May Come by Richard Matheson
It’s one of my mom’s all time favorites so I read it for the first time in junior high and have probably read it 5+ times since. I pick up new stuff each time. So fantastic. And don’t judge the book by the movie, although I do enjoy the movie as well.
2. Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
I had to read this for a class in high school and it was probably the first time I stayed up all night with an assigned reading book just because I was enjoying it so much. I just loved it.
And, because this is my comment and I can:
YA Books I love:
1. Julie of the Wolves by Jean Craig
2. Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
Children’s books I love:
1. But No Elephants by Jerry Smath
2. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein
I have no idea what DeLurk or Lurk-ing mean, but I certainly don’t want to goof it up somehow. I might lose my TGM title for good. So many of the books already listed are also favorites of mine, but I’ll add in
1. Little Women
2. Little House on the Prairie series
Did you notice the multiple daughter theme?
Love you sweetie!
Two of my favorites:
Freakomonics by Steven Levitt
Cry the Beloved Country by Alan Patton
Love you girly!
Can I list three? Hee.
1. Sloppy Firsts and Second Helpings (this is two but they go together)
2. All Over But the Shoutin’
I’m not a lurker, but you asked a book question and I couldn’t resist.
Only two? Hmmm ….
1. Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury
Why? The author’s lyric use of words and the “coming of age” story line.
2. To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis
Why? I haven’t read anything by this author I haven’t loved. This particular book is just too funny for words. I rarely laugh out loud when I read, but this one got a couple of audible chuckles out of me.
Jannsen, I told you about going to a Shannon Hale book signing back in June. I finally posted a couple of pictures over at my place. You’ll need to scroll down a post to see them. I put them with the review of Austenland.
Two books I love are:
Two-Part Invention, by Madeleine L’Engle
Interpreter of Maladies, by Jhumpa Lahiri
Sanditon by Jane Austen and Another Lady (not true Austen, but my comfort read nontheless)
The Beekeeper’s Apprentice by Laurie R. King. (Actually, I adore all her Russel and Holms mysteries but might as well start with no.1)
Okay..stepping out of the lurking closet….
1. Who could possibly not love the entire Harry Potter series…love it!
2.The same can be said for the entire Chronicles of Narnia series
and for a bonus my new love is “The Pillars of the Earth” by Ken Follet
Anyway, I just wanted to add that I love your blog! 🙂
Here are two that I don’t mind read again:
1. Walk Two Moons, by Sharon Creech
2. Fine Old High Priests, by Donald Smurthwaite (kind of religious, kind of sappy, kind of not geared towards young adults, but I loved it anyway.)
Only two?? Besides my all time favorite of Ella Enchanted, the next two would have to be:
1. Tuck Everlasting
2. The Count of Monte Cristo (The book is way better than the movie, but I am still a fan of the movie. I just keep them separate in my mind.) 🙂
Let’s go with War and Peace and Little Women.
Both are pretty darn long. What is my deal with long books?
And also, I don’t lurk, as you know. You are practically my sole entertainment while I am at work.
I dunno, how about a semi-random choice of a kid one and a grown up one:
The Phantom Tollbooth
by Norton Juster
The Persian Pickle Club
by Sandra Dallas
1- Gone with the Wind!
2- Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
Yes, I am from the south!
PS I read The Kite Runner, it’s an emotional book. Well written and a good story but I cried more than once.
Two I love:
Eat Pray Love
Heartbreak Hotel by Anne Rivers Siddons
I love this!
I have a whole new list of books to read.
1. Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
2. The Goose Girl, Shannon Hale
Beauty or maybe Harry Potter… Beauty for sure, though. That’s one of my all-time favorites.
Sorry, don’t have a blog to share. But I have read some books in my lifetime, the most recent being A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. You thought Kite Runner was sad? You ain’t read nothin’.
My family read The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman many years ago and it’s a great read. I liked the rest of the trilogy but they found the end extremely disappointing. I’m thoroughly skeptical of the movie.
And I know this is cheating, but you’ll thank me later: Red Ranger Came Calling. I’m not sure who it’s by but it’s a children’s book unlike any other. Read it. It’s great.
I’m here Janssen. But you know I always am. Because I love you babe.
Books, books, books.
1. Twilight (duh)
2. Valley of Fire (Loved it over and over. Borrow it you must.)
Wow. Your tactic for bringing readers out of lurkdom is much more effective than mine have ever been (probably because they generally consist of a pathetic plea like “um… I’d really like to know who’s out there… please?”).
Of the many books I love, two that come to mind right now are Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried and Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.
I’ve never left more comments than I have today!
Two good books that I’ve recently read are:
-Balzac and The Little Chinese Seamstress
-My Sister’s Keeper
delurking briefly…
coerced into reading Kiterunner, but ended up enjoying it
currently going back and re-reading favorite books from the past (long time past):
1 – Anne McCaffrey trilogy Dragonflight, Dragonquest, and The White Dragon (bought them to read to my son, but he’s too young so I’m going on alone)
2 – Next will be Watership Down by Richard Adam (read it around 25-30 years ago–we’ll see how it goes now)
hope you and bart are happy and well
I admit – I read your blog every day. Not just because we’re married, but because you’re an excellent writer.
Ender’s Game
The Ramayana
(Grover, let me know what you think of Tale of Genji. I thought it was actually pretty good, though I have to admit, I read a translation. Ajik Japanese an baewhutda . . .)
I agree with Katherine — this is the most successful delurking I’ve witnessed in a long time. 🙂
I’m reading Diane Setterfield’s The Thirteenth Tale.
The Scarlet Feather by Maeve Binchy and The Small Rain by Madeleine L’Engle
Currently, I’m reading The Hungry Little Caterpillar and Yummy Yucky. 😉
Still reading, of course.
1)Impro: improvisation and the theatre by Keith Johnstone
It’s a fascinating read and has tought me a bit about myself and perhaps about how to have fun.
2)Let My People go Surfing by Yvon Chouinard
A beautiful book by one of the more interesting and original men I have heard of. Helped me resolve the dichotomy between end-based action and journey-based action. Also, if I ever start a company I will do it with this book in mind.
Two classic books for kids that I love: The Forgotten Door by Alexander Key and A Little Princess.
I’m not technically delurking because I’m new, but hi!
Two books I love (that I can remember right this minute):
1) Pillars of the earth by Ken Follett (even though I don’t like any of his other stuff)
2) Oh the Places you’ll go by Dr. Seuss.
Ooh, I’m a little late, but this is fun!
Harriet the Spy and
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
are at the front of my mind right now.
Hmmm…. I just finished The Book Theif and LOVED it. I also love Beauty by Robin McKinely – such a classic.
hello- I have never left a comment on your blog- but I thorougly enjoy your writing:) I can never think of favorites when I have to, but here are two books I can think of:
A Thousand Splendid Suns
501 Spanish Verbs (okay, not a book you read, but a useful book none the less for a Spanish teacher)
Okay. I thought of some books. The first is Carry on Mr. Bowditch, which I have read multiple times and still love. The second is actually a series–All the Brother Cadfael books by Ellis Peters (I think there are 17 or 18). They provide an interesting look at the middle ages in England as well as an enjoyable mystery. Happy reading.
Yay! Books I’ve loved recently:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey
The English Patient by Michael Ondaajte (I have no idea how it spell his name.
I am reading the Elements of Style by Strunk and White. It’s pretty good for a book about grammer rules.