Ani: Two Months

If there are two things to know about Ani at two months:

  1. She’s traded in her grumpy face for big smiles – she’s especially happy when she first wakes up and when she’s starting to get really tired. Of course, she had no interest in smiling for THESE pictures.
  2. She is a very chatty baby; she babbles all the time, which means Ella is constantly asking me, “What’s Ani thinking?”

(But you might also like to know that she loves to be swaddled, she is very calm while taking a bath, her chin does the most hilarious little tremble on a frequent basis, and she has very long fingers. And she will stare at the black frames and white mats on our wall
photographs for ages. Sometimes I can’t even get her to eat because she
won’t stop looking at them).

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  1. What a cute little face. It almost looks more perplexed than grumpy. She is growing so fast and will be a totally different baby by the time we see her in May. Thanks for these little updates that let us share in your lives. Love you all.

  2. This picture makes me laugh. She looks like a pre-teen being forced to take a family photo or something. "But Moooom, do I have to?"

  3. When Annie was a baby the kids would always ask me to talk for her too. I got a lot of practice in improv and the kids think I'm a funny mom!

  4. Adorable! isn't it funny how they have that "one" thing they just can't stop staring at (of course that one thing will change often but it's amazing)

  5. She is adorable! I actually prefer the grumpy face, because it's so unique! She'll look back on these pictures later and be thrilled that you have them. 🙂

  6. Did you get this chair from Ralphie? Because it looks really familiar. I think I might have sewn that back cushion cover. Oh, and adorable baby too, OF COURSE.

  7. Oh my, I want to squish those baby cheeks! If she's looking for a husband, my baby available. That is, if she likes younger men (Milo's 5 weeks).

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