
Every Messy Little Moment

This post is sponsored by Stonyfield Organic YoBaby Yogurt – I’ve loved Stonyfield yogurts for years, both for myself and for my children, and I am delighted to partner with them this year on several posts.

yobaby yogurt

After Star was born, we went back and forth endlessly about whether to have one more child or to stop at three.

Star was such an easy baby. When you weigh 10 pounds at birth, you tend to be a pretty darn good eater and sleeper – the nurses at the hospital kept telling me that delivering a 10 pound baby is no picnic, but a 10 pound newborn is a dream after that, and they were right. She felt like the perfect baby to end with and we were all completely obsessed with her.

Three children also seemed very manageable and it seemed like maybe we should just quit while we were ahead.

But both Bart and I never seemed to be able to really settle into the idea of being done, and after discussing it endlessly, we finally decided that one more baby just felt like the right thing for our family.

And now, more than a year after Tally was born, it seems crazy to think of our family without her (even if four kids does sometimes feel like a LOT of children).

Stonyfield yobaby

Last weekend, when we went to California, we put Tally down for a nap at my sister’s house but then we had to go back to the hotel and change for my nephew’s baptism, so Merrick kindly offered to bring Tally along in an hour or so when we all met up.

The five of us headed back to the hotel and got everyone changed, and Bart and I kept saying, “Doesn’t it feel so weird to only have three children?”

I thought, “This is what our life would be like if we hadn’t had Tally – everyone potty-trained, no one needing daily naps, everyone walking and talking, no one nursing, everyone able to buckle their own car seats.”

Stonyfield organic yobaby yogurt

And I’m so glad we still get one more baby.

In two more years, Tally will be the same age Star is now and we’ll be out of the diapers and nursing and babbling and naps.

But for now, I’m soaking up every second of a baby that still wants to snuggle, that nurses before nap time, sleeps with a swaddle blanket, and crawls around at lightning speed.

organic yobaby yogurt

I don’t even mind the diaper changing or the fact that the floor around her high chair is generally covered in cereal, bits of banana or splashes of yogurt (especially because I no longer live in an apartment with carpet under the high chair like in Texas with Ella).

Tally is reaching that stage where she wants to feed herself everything and will often refuse to open her mouth if you try to feed her or turn her head to the side when the spoon comes her way.

Stonyfield yogurt

Her favorite thing is trying to grab the spoon out of your hand and wrest it away from you so she can try (very poorly) to do it herself.

Yogurt has long been one of my favorite foods for babies (Ella called it “yo-yo”), since you can start yogurt for babies around 6 months, even though you have to wait on cow’s milk until a year (the live and active cultures helping to digest the lactose) and I just started buying Stonyfield Organic YoBaby Yogurt.

I’ve been buying Stonyfield big tubs of plain yogurt for my daily yogurt and granola (and chocolate chips and cashews and strawberries because basically I am high-maintenance when it comes to breakfast and snacking), but hadn’t tried out Stonyfield Organic YoBaby Yogurt, even though it’s been around for 19 years, long before I had any babies.

It’s the #1 pediatrician recommended yogurt for babies among refrigerated yogurts and is thicker and creamier than other organic baby yogurts which means less mess when Tally feeds it to herself.

It also has BB-12 probiotics and is certified organic, so it it doesn’t have any artificial flavors or preservatives or antibiotics or artificial hormones.

I don’t know that my floor cares all that much about whether the food getting spread all over it has artificial coloring or flavors, but I care about it for the bites that manage to make it in Tally’s mouth.

Stonyfield yobaby yogurt

Someday, very soon, that high chair will get put away and the baby spoons won’t be used daily and I won’t be washing bibs all the time.

And I might not miss the messy eating, but I’ll miss having a baby who is over the moon about feeding herself.

And I’m so glad to have one last baby to enjoy.

Stonyfield organic yobaby

This post is sponsored by Stonyfield Organic YoBaby Yogurt

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