Reaching My Goals
For years, my mom has bought each of us children a calendar for Christmas. Sometimes they are just for fun, sometimes they are themed (for instance, everyone gets a movie calendar). This year, Landen got a calendar of London landmarks, since she’ll be going on a study abroad program there this spring. Our calendar was a Boston one to celebrate our upcoming move there.
For 2009, I’m using the calendar (which always hangs in our kitchen) to mark off the days I work out so I can see how I’m doing. I found a box of star stickers that we bought some years ago (for this same purpose, actually) and I’m sticking one on the calendar every time I go to the gym.
By the end of the year, when that calendar hangs in some little apartment in Boston, I’m hoping that it is filled with at least 156 (that’s three times a week for 52 weeks) of little stars in various colors.
Good luck. I need to get on the ball with the resolutions….I haven’t made any yet.
great idea!! good luck girl 🙂
You’re off to a great start!
Holy cow! I’ve been marking my calendar on work out days with the exact same star stickers. Is this the Twilight Zone?
I didn’t know you were moving to Boston! I just figured out why… it’s because you announced it while I was on my honeymoon and so I totally missed it. So exciting! Congrats!
That is a great idea. I may try this myself.
Of course, I’ll be giving myself a prize of some sort when I get a certain amount of stars.
What a great idea! It looks like you are well on your way 🙂
What a great idea! Maybe I should consider doing something like that. Good luck with your goal!
That’s a fabulous idea! I might do something similar…thanks for the tip!
Or it is no exercise for seven months and then every flippin day.
I like that idea a lot, Janssen! Very visual.
I mark my calendar with little tiny happy face stickers each time I exercise. My Grandmother stocked me up with several years worth of these little smiley faces before she passed away in 2007, so the happy faces on my calendar have extra special meaning for me — it means I exercised (yay!) and it reminds me of my Grandmother’s love :o)
I mark a calendar as well with my workout days. I’m trying to devise a punishment for the days that I don’t workout during the month. Similar to the idea of the cursing jar, where you have to pay for being bad.
Funny – I do the exact same thing on my monthly wall calendar! Except mine are little round “encouragers” in Spanish: Bien! Perfecto! Unico! Especial!
That is such a great idea! From the looks of it, you are doing really well! Keep it up, looking at all those blue stars has got to be invigorating 🙂
I love the sticker idea and I totally swiped it!