On Our Way

This is Bart. Janssen has been having regular contractions since yesterday afternoon. They’ve steadily increased in strength through the night and are making her lean over in pain and anguish. So we’re on our way to the hospital, right now.

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  1. Hooray!! Hope all goes all well. If I hadn't seen this post first, I would have responded to the previous one suggesting a hot fudge sundae (Gr. Harris's method). We love you.

  2. All the best! Praying from this side of the pond. When you get back, life will be different. In a very good way.

  3. YAY! Sounds like she was ready, induction or not! That's the best feeling. Good luck to the three of you!

  4. Happy baby day, Bart and Janssen!!! Hope that meeting your sweet child is as magical as you always imagined.

    Thinking of you both and hoping for a quick and easy delivery.

  5. Oh. And weird that just this morning I had the thought that today would be a great day for someone to have a birthday. Not sure why. haha

  6. Yay! (Other than the pain and anguish.) Good luck! Glad it looks like you avoided that induction at the last second!

  7. squeeeeee! sniff!!!! Keeping you in my thoughts today. Can't wait to hear the details and see a photo! 😉

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