“Not Even a Small Pair of Pumps?”
I have never been so pleased that it was Friday. It’s just been one of those weeks where life made my head explode over and over again. And then I’d have to quickly wipe my brains off my lap, and go back to work.
It was the last week of class (finished yesterday! Hoorah!) which meant I had three papers to write and a presentation to give (on one of the papers – which I hadn’t finished yet (and still haven’t, as it is not due until Monday (goodbye, weekend))). Obviously, this caused me some considerable stress.
Which was exacerbated by the fact that last week we hired the THIRD (yes! third!!!!!!!!!!) front desk person since I quit working full-time in December and then she quit after a day and a half. Which means I’m not only doing my part-time job, but also my previous full-time job, despite the fact that I’m only in the office three days a week.
And we hadn’t done laundry since we got back from Oklahoma City so I had no jeans and if there is anything worse than a stressful week, it’s a stressful week when you can’t even wear jeans.
Wait, there is something worse. It’s when you haven’t been grocery shopping EITHER. So you are stressed, wearing slacks, and starving to death.
Last night, finally, I bailed on a fondue party I was supposed to go to, stayed home and made dinner (because I’d finally gone to the grocery store), did the laundry, picked up the house a bit (oh yes, I’m so strong), went to the gym, and then to bed at a reasonable time.
And now I’m ready for a full day of work, where I can get things done without breathing into a paper bag every five seconds.
I think it’s because I’m finally wearing jeans again.
This morning I woke up and was CERTAIN it was Thursday. Finding out that it is in fact Friday was just insanely awesome, and I am also thrilled that it’s Friday. Here’s hoping you have a fun non stressful weekend with lots of jean wearing and not too much paper writing.
That sounds like quite a week! Sad that you missed the fondue party (love those!), but it feels good to get your life back to normal.
Oh goodness, I hope this weekend is relaxing and next week there are no explosions of brains.
If I could, I would send you some zucchini bread today.
At least it’s almost over! Yay weekends!
I don’t know what I would do without my jeans! I completely understand the feeling of being relaxed, just by wearing something different. I hope you enjoy the more relaxation to come after all the paper writing is done!
Do not underestimate the power of jeans to make your day better! Sure hope things get less stressful for you soon.
Ah, the jeans make life a little better don’t they? Especially when cute tiny little bodies are in them. Such as yourself.
Jeans are also great to wear with high heels. Do you have any ih-heeels in zat bag?