
Oh right. The blog.
Really, it’s not the baby. It’s this MOVE. 
You kind of don’t realize how much stuff you have until you have to deal with every single bit of it. 
My mom flew out here on Thursday, so we’ve been spending a ton of time sorting, packing, shipping, and organizing. I think we’ll actually make this thing happen. 
Plus, we’re forced to spend many hours a day talking about how ridiculously darling this baby is. And that kind of work doesn’t do itself. 

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  1. Cooing over a lovely baby is far more appealing than sorting and loading your things into boxes!! Especially for a new mom and grandmother! Good Luck.

  2. Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT take your baby to be circumcized (wait! She's a girl!) on the day you leave to move to Texas. We did that once before a major cross country move. WHO let us do THAT????

  3. I'm so jealous that you get your mom! We just moved (only across town) and I nearly had a nervous breakdown. Still working on it, still may happen.

  4. I was so worried that you were trying to do almost all of this by yourself. Am really glad your mom is there helping. If you don't post until you get settled in Texas, the world will survive. Wishing you a safe and pleasant trip.

  5. Janssen,
    I didn't think it was possible for you to look any more beautiful, but Enna has given you a wonderful radiance!

    Somebody has probably already given you this little poem, but just in case…

    Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow
    For babies grow up, we've learned to our sorrow.
    So go away cobwebs and dust go to sleep
    I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep.

    Moving, however has a more pressing schedule. Best of luck with the rest of your packing.

    P.S. Your blog profile still says you are awaiting the baby's arrival.

  6. So when do you actually get back here to your true home. Let me know so I can watch that baby while you try and get a little sleep. I can feel that soft skin already.

  7. I am so glad Mom is there to help with baby Enna! Keep us posted as to your arrival! I have the feeling there is going to be a throw-down in the front yard for the first one to actually hold/babysit/drool on that baby girl!!!!! ps – my niece is moving just down the street from you! xoxo

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