Goodbye to All That

Today is my last day at work. I’ve been working here for over 18 months now, and today I’ll ride my bike home for the last time (um, no tears will be shed on that account, I can assure you). One of my co-workers brought in a chocolate cake and later this afternoon, when we eat it, I may shed tears over it because it looks so very delicious.

On Monday, I got an email from a doctoral student in our department asking me to TA for a class she is teaching this fall. Not only is there a stipend associated with it, but the school will also pay for part of my tuition. As you can imagine, I said yes. I was a TA at BYU for several different classes and the most I ever got paid was a whopping eight dollars an hour. So this is a step up.

Bart is right in the thick of orientation for his graduate program and on Monday night I went with him to a social of sorts, held at a very nice bar downtown. Kayla asked if I wore a cocktail dress. I told her no, I wore jeans, and in this I felt completely justified as one of the appetizers was mini-corndogs. I think it’s a good rule of thumb that, if there are corndogs at the venue, jeans are appropriate. (Granted, you can wear jeans to basically any event or venue in Austin and be dressed just fine). In the bar’s defense, they were really good corndogs. I ate at least six of them.

Tomorrow we leave for San Francisco (as usual Kristi and her dangerous dogs of doom will be patrolling the house, so don’t even bother attempting to break in and steal our three season collection of Remington Steele). I’ve done the laundry, printed our boarding passes, and fiddled our itinerary practically to death. I can’t wait for this trip.

Life right now is just so very very good.

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  1. That’sssssss right. Don’t mess. Have fun on your trip and I am jealous of your perfect job (and of your cake!). We missed you when we finally rocked out last night! We could have used your screaming vocals.

  2. congrats on the TA job! That is fantastic — almost as fantastic as a good mini corn dog. Have a fun trip!

  3. Enjoy your cake and your trip! I will be in SF this weekend as well – how funny. Maybe we’ll run into each other 😉

  4. I love hearing about people who have very very good lives. It makes my day. (My life is very good, except for this pesky work thing, which brings me down to good.)

    enjoy the trip.

  5. Hello, San Francisco! Hello, TA! Hello, AWESOME! I’m way excited about the job (and tuition break), but if we’re being completely honest I am SO thrilled you’re going to SF!! It is only my favorite city ever, and I hope you and Bart fall in love.


  6. I am going to remember that corndog to jeans rule come Christmas time, when I am forced to go to Chris’s company party.

  7. I swear; you could fall in a mud puddle and come out clean and dry. Congrats and have fun. (My son lives a couple of hours north of SF. Wave “hi”. LOL)

  8. Yay for last days of riding bikes to work! Yay for chocolate cake! Yay for TA! Yay for jeans and mini corndogs 🙂

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