
It is no secret that I really really like Michael Buble. My mom, who is far more in the know then I ever am, sent me his new music video and I have listened to it approximately 100 times since then.

And the video is so fantastic. I made Bart sit down and watch it a few nights ago because it’s too good not to share.

It just makes me feel like dancing.

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  1. His voice is just awesome! He performed this song a week or so ago on Oprah- he is such a goof in real life, it was funny to see him get interviewed. Also, if you didnt know, that is his real girlfriend in the music video- which is pretty cute.

  2. Um, yeah, I think my coworkers will be cursing your name by the end of the day. I think I've played it for them three times so far today!

  3. What a cute song. I totally loved it! I will have to check him out, I just am so out of the new and interresting musician loop. Thanks for the great recommendation on a new artist!

  4. Hmmmm, he gets better looking as he gets older. Hadn't heard or seen this one. Please, tell your mom thanks for sending it to you, so you could share it with us. 🙂

  5. (I love that Preethi comments on here) 🙂

    Yeah I saw this on your twitter the other day and almost died! I'm like, DANCING IN A GROCERY STORE!! Love it!! Seriously such an awesome video. Never would have found it otherwise- thanks!

  6. Wow he has some serious pipes! I'm going to have to check him out. I've heard of him from a few of my friends, but haven't really listened to his music.

  7. Oh this made my day! We love Buble. We went to his concert in Denver two years ago. Love him! He's even better live (I know, hard to imagine)! Thanks for the head's up on the song. LOVE it! Does this mean he should have a new CD coming out soon…?

  8. Why do all grocery clerks have blue nail polish? Or 2 inch talons? I would LOVE to dance in the grocery store. Let's try it next time you're here! Vons here we come!!!

    Love that MB. Sad he's no longer with Emily Blunt. Maybe she became too famous for him. This new gal doesn't seem to have much spunk. Emily has it in spades. I need to watch Devil Wears Prada again.


  9. You are right – I was sitting here tapping my toe through the song and then laughed out loud at the end – very fun! Carole introduced me to him with one of his first CD's, guess I'll need to find this one too 🙂

  10. Favorite part: freezer section becomes the runway. Awesome.

    And he still always reminds me of Ryan Leavitt for some reason…

  11. I finally got around to watching this video…so stinking cute! I downloaded his CD and already love the song but the video…sigh…thank you. And yes, your mom is TOO hip for words.

  12. This is on the radio here roughly twelve times a day, and every single time I think of you posting the video. Also when I hear that Taylor Swift song, but it's not on 12 times a day.

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